Important steps forward in accelerating temporary housing | News item

News item | 02-05-2023 | 12:36

During a working visit to Delft, Minister Hugo de Jonge for Housing and Spatial Planning signed a letter of intent with the municipality of Goes for the exploration of a Flexcity. Alderman Joan Veldhuizen had come to Delft from Goes for this. Keeping plots free accelerates the realization of flex homes in other parts of the country by guaranteeing physical relocation. In addition, area developments are set up according to the principles of flexibility, circularity and innovation.

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The working visit to Delft was on the occasion of the placement of the first movable homes from the construction contract of the Central Government Real Estate Agency. The final purchase agreement was signed today. The minister was also able to inform those present that the window for the Financial Reassignment Guarantee is open. Municipalities and investors who want to qualify for the guarantee can register for it.

Urgency for the realization of flexible homes

During the working visit, the minister once again drew attention to the urgency of accelerating the realization of movable homes. The housing shortage will not decrease in the coming years. The realization of flexible homes is one of the fastest ways to break the impasse. Temporary locations are also used that are not suitable for regular housing. The homes are for all home seekers, but are mainly used for people who urgently need a roof over their heads. The homes are highly sought after. Projects throughout the country can count on hundreds, sometimes thousands, of registrations. The realization of flex homes is relatively new and therefore not always easy. The government has therefore taken numerous supporting measures to support municipalities, housing associations and investors and to cover risks. Municipalities, provinces and housing corporations are supported and knowledge is shared through the Temporary Housing Acceleration Taskforce. Delft proves that realization can be done quickly. With the help of the Taskforce and by using the homes ordered by the Central Government Real Estate Agency, the project was completed within a few months.


Alderman Joan Veldhuizen and Minister Hugo de Jonge for Housing and Spatial Planning today signed the letter of intent for the exploration of a Flexcity. With this, the municipality of Goes is starting a new area and housing development with modular construction and facilities (shops, schools, recreation). At the same time, the municipality will reserve space for the installation of flex homes at a later date. As a result, they can also serve as host municipalities for existing flex homes from other parts of the country. The intention is that these neighborhoods can be easily adapted in terms of the number of homes, so that the realization can also take place more quickly. This is done to combat the shortage of housing in the Netherlands and to reduce the continuing fluctuations in supply and demand. With the support of the RVO Task Force and the Housing Expert Team, research is being carried out into how this area development will take shape.

Delft first municipality with flexible housing from the Central Government Real Estate Agency

The municipality of Delft is the first municipality to deliver flexible housing that has been purchased through the Central Government Real Estate Agency. Today alderman Karin Schrederhof (Housing, Care, Education and Sport) signed the purchase agreement with the Central Government Real Estate Agency for this purpose. The 84 homes are located on a former football field on Mozartlaan.

In the autumn of 2022, approximately 2000 homes will be purchased through a tender. This tender had a twofold purpose. Firstly, it gave suppliers the certainty of purchase, which started production. Having homes in stock prevents ‘waiting for each other’. For example, after going through these procedures, municipalities can immediately proceed to the installation of flex homes. The knowledge gained during the purchasing process was then used in the collective purchasing process of Aedes, the sector association of housing associations. At least 8,000 movable homes will be purchased through mini-competitions this year through this procurement process. The intention is to realize 10,000 homes annually in 2024 and 2025 through this procurement process.

Financial reassignment guarantee counter opened

The Council of Ministers has approved the contours of the Financial Relocation Guarantee, which makes it possible for municipalities and investors (usually housing corporations) to register for this scheme from today. Investors would like to realize flex homes at temporary locations. This guarantee has been established in order to offer more security and to realize a contribution towards the financial risks. The government has made €220 million available for this.

Spring memorandum, letter to parliament and realization book

The Spring Memorandum was adopted in the last Council of Ministers, which includes a contribution of more than €300 million for the realization of flexible homes. The additional amount will be available in tranches over the next four years. The first tranche will be available after the summer and will deliver 10,000 homes. Subsequently, the next tranche of the Housing Regulations for Attention Groups will be made available in May. Flexible housing is also eligible for this.

Today, the minister informed the House of Representatives about the state of affairs program Acceleration Temporary Housing. The letter provides further explanation of the above measures. In addition, it has also been reported that approximately 4,200 homes will be realized in 2022 and that the expectation for 2023 will rise towards the realization of 12,000 flexible homes.

At the end of the working visit to Delft, the minister presented it realization book to inspire municipalities and housing corporations about the realization of flexible homes. This book highlights nine projects with flex and transformation homes. The book outlines how these homes are sustainable, modular, innovative and quickly realized and meet the highest quality requirements.

More information about accelerating temporary housing.
