Immunotherapy geneest aggressive huidkanker in kwart van de gevallen | medical

Immunotherapy is available in Belgium since 2010 as a treatment for human diseases. In the case of immunotherapy, the treatment system used by the patient is based on anti-inflammatory drugs on the basis of white cancer cells in the room. On the suffering of professor Doctor Bart Neyns was meteen a observationele study started with 292 patients, but also 139 men and 153 vrouwen, named names. The median duration of treatment was 45 weeks.

Vijf jaar na start van de treatment is de kans om genezen te zijn en te blijven ongeveer 25 percent. At 35 percent of the treated patients with uitzaaiingen, the immunotherapy is stopped on verdwijnen van de uitzaaiingen op de scanonderzoeken of vanwege onaanvaardbare nextwerkingen. Grandchildren by herval will be treated by hervat. The highest risk from a poor evolution of the applied melanoom existed in the first step after treatment. A belangrijke doorbraak, want tot vor kort was deze aggressive vorm van huidkanker altijd fataal bij uitzaaiing.

“Het onderzoek loopt verder”, says doctor Neyns. “No grandparents to the long term will come from the first group of melanoom overlevenden, but also to new developments in immunotherapy that we need to raise for three of the four patients that are treated like the other steeds ontoereikend is”, verduidelijkt hij.
