Imma Tataranni 2: previews of the first episode of the new season

S.simple, normal. With so many strengths and as many defects as everyone else. Except she is Imma Tatarannideputy attorney born from the pen of Mariolina Venice and protagonist of the homonymous fiction that starts again tonight on Rai 1 with 4 new episodes (from 21.25). An impulsive, concrete magistrate with unlikely looks (interprets it Vanessa Scalera) than in no time has won the favor of viewers.

Imma Tatarannimagistrate from making small change

To make Imma Tataranni love across the board it is the small character and the pragmatism on which he shapes his life as a magistrate and of a woman grappling with everyday matters. As in the tradition of female detectives – of which in addition to the acumen in the investigations, the private sector is also shown to us. And Imma’s is done by her ménage with her husband Pietro (played by Massimiliano Gallo) and the tensions with her teenage daughter Valentina (Alice Azzariti). In addition to the misunderstandings with the mother-in-law Brunella (Dora Romano). A family life in which everyone can recognize themselves.

Imma and the young carabiniere

To mess up the already agitated soul of the prosecutor in addition to the investigation, there are also matters of the heart. In his thoughts (and not only) there is a constant: Ippazio Calogiuri (Alessio Lapice)the young carabiniere now promoted to marshalwho together with her conducts the investigation. A mutual transport that culminated at one point in a kissafter which Calogiuri requested and obtained the transfer to South America, despite the declaration of his love. Thing of the past? Far from it. Because the carabiniere returns, and he still thinks of her even though he is engaged to her colleague Jessica (Ester Pantano). A situation that will get Imma in trouble with her husband.

Imma Tataranni (Vanessa Scalera) and Ippazio Calogiuri (Alessio Lapice). (Rai)

The importance of Matera

Another essential element in the life of Imma and, even more than the television series, is Matera. The streets of the Lucanian capital, its Sassi and its surroundings are protagonists as much as the characters who move there. There are the municipal cinema, the courthouse, the Vittorio Veneto square and there is also the National Park of the Lucanian Apennines.

Imma Tataranni’s investigations move against the background of Matera. (Rai)

Imma Tataranniwhere were we

Legal cases aside, there is a thread that binds the investigative and personal story of the deputy prosecutor. The investigative one is represented by the investigation into the wrongdoing that binds local politics (the top is the president of the Region Luigi Lombardi) to organized crime: focusing on the trafficking of toxic waste. At the center of the investigation there is Saverio Romaniello (Cesare Bocci), and for Imma and her husband Pietro, times are hard due to intimidation: Pietro’s bar which has just been inaugurated is set on fire; Lombardi, who could have framed Romaniello with his testimony, commits suicide.

But there is another witness, the architect Giulio Brunowhich Tataranni goes to question in the night in a safe place: the house where Ippazio Calogiuri lives with Jessica. In doing so, however, she lies to her husband, who sees her enter that house in the company of the marshal. And there’s more: someone in the days following the photographer with her lips dangerously close to Calogiuri’s.

The weight of the soulanticipation of the first episode

Pietro is embittered to discover that Imma lied to him. Receive a photo in which the wife appears to be about to kiss Calogiuri, then, it worsens the situation. It is the morning of Good Friday, Matera prepares for the procession, and the body of a man who worked for Fiat in Turin is found. Imma and Pietro don’t have much time to talk, except for the pauses in the investigation.

And Pietro doesn’t believe his wife who swears that he has never kissed Calogiuri and that he is a victim of the “mud machine” set in motion by Romaniello to defame her. The same photo, in fact, was also delivered to the prosecutor Alessandro Vitali (Carlo Buccirosso). Marshal Calogiuri also has his own problems: Jessica, in fact, makes him a surprising confession

