Images blindfolded in Den Bosch: ‘Open your eyes’

Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion blindfolded images in Den Bosch early on Sunday. In doing so, they draw attention to what they call the ‘climate emergency’. It concerns the sculpture group Waiting People on the Zuidwal. With the cry ‘Open your eyes’ they call on politicians to ‘stop closing their eyes to the climate crisis’.

The action in Den Bosch is part of the worldwide Statue Sunday. Every week, statues are blindfolded in different cities.

In a statement, the action group writes: “Administrators and politicians think we can still wait. The seriousness of the climate crisis is not getting through to them. Something has to be done now. Protect life on earth, the life of today and the life of later. Don’t wait any longer.”

In other countries, The Little Mermaid (Denmark) and Albert Einstein (Panama), among others, were blindfolded.
