“I’m so tired of that man!”

Henny Huisman is very annoyed with his new hobby. The former TV star now bashes another celebrity every day. “Henny, go home! I’m really done with that man.”


Henny Huisman was once the figurehead of great entertainment on television, but nowadays he is mainly busy bashing fellow celebrities in the tabloids. “What is this man doing now? It’s a whole list that that man comes up with these days,” said Private star journalist Jan Uriot in his column What does Jan think?.

The new Johan

Jan starts to get really annoyed with Henny. “In one week he shouts in the media: Winston Gerschtanowitz is a cock, Peter Gillis is a fat man, Nick & Simon must leave Madame Tussauds, Frank Masmeijer must not be released, Francis van Broekhuizen is on television too much and Gordon must not be released. thus display his wealth.”

He continues: “Then I think: Henny, I’m not used to that from you at all, because of course it’s not very sympathetic to say that. So he wasn’t like that. I don’t know what he’s doing. Just put a stop to it. He has an opinion and that’s not bad at all, but I think he’s applying for Johan Derksen’s job a bit, you know.”

‘So tired of that man’

TV expert Kirsten Jan van Nieuwenhuijzen is completely done with Henny. “I get very tired of Henny Huisman and I think a lot of people in Hilversum”, he says in his podcast Content Wars.

He continues: “It is known in any case that he has wanted to return to television for years. Well, that doesn’t work very well, so now he has found a way to be in the publicity every time by throwing sneers at people in all kinds of tabloid magazines.”

“It’s done, Henny”

Kirsten Jan thinks that the media would do well not to let Henny speak. “I’m really so done with that man that I think: stop interviewing Henny Huisman all the time.”

He believes that the media should interview relevant people and not types like Henny Huisman. “Just ask people who really matter rather than someone you’re like, boy, just go and enjoy your horse stable.”

Horse riding

Henny should withdraw from the media, Kirsten Jan thinks. “Let’s be honest: at some point you have to understand that it’s done. Go horseback riding instead of shouting things like this about everyone all the time. It adds nothing.”

“I’m Henny-tired and I don’t think I’m the only one. Henry, go home!”
