‘I’m so done with him’

It is undeniable: the hype around André Hazes Jr. has died down and not just about. And what should you do as a right-minded spotlight maniac? Taking pictures of you pooping.


It is remarkably quiet around André Hazes jr. After a controversial period in which he tortured Monique Westenberg by hopping from one Sarah to another and in which he was more often in rehab than outside, the inspiration seems completely to the screenwriters of the Hazes soap.

Pooping Andre

André’s life is no longer so exciting and that, in combination with the Hazes fatigue, has resulted in a significant dip in the amount of media attention. He’s just not like that hot more and that is also evident from the poor ticket sales of his comeback concert. The tickets for this will soon be given as a gift with a few packs of Campina custard.

Does André leave it at that? Or is he starting to miss the attention again? This week he caused controversy by pouring his 6-year-old son full of caffeine and now he shares a photo of him defecating. Bah!

Disabled toilet

André first tells in his Instagram stories that his back is bothering him. Then a follower asks: “So you haven’t pooped in a day?”

It is reason for André to share a photo of an intimate moment on the toilet. While he is pressing, he raises his thumb. It could just be that the need was great, because the background reveals that he is probably in a disabled toilet. There is often no queue for that.

Yvonne satiated

What should we do with this kind of Hazes content? Hazologist Yvonne Coldeweijer can’t handle it either. “I’ve been having a bit of a saturation lately. Gordon is a bit of the last straw and then we also have that Stella Bergsma ”, she says in her podcast The Juice Show.

But especially with André she is done. “I also get messages like me sometimes juice post of, “Let’s just stop talking about him.” Especially about Andre. ‘Let’s not talk about him anymore, let’s not give him a platform anymore.’ But that’s my job! I prefer not to talk about him all day.”


In 2023 André is simply synonymous with boring, Yvonne thinks. “When it was relevant and juicy with Sarasoul, the cheating, the engagement, the breaking up and the addiction… That was juice and now it’s just real bore.”

“Then I think: actually I prefer not to talk about him anymore. And people don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
