I’m pouring into a glass – here’s the right way

An expert knocks out the method of pouring beer circulating on social media.

A video has become hugely popular on Tiktok, according to which beer should be poured into a glass standing on the table, pouring it from a height. The style releases carbonation from the drink, and the video states that the stomach does not feel bloated after drinking this kind of beer.

Carefully pouring along the edge of the tilted glass, on the other hand, is knocked out with a video that has already been liked 1.4 million times. According to the justification of the video, carbonic acids start to churn in the stomach after drinking a beer poured in this style.

We tested the pouring methods and asked an expert for their opinion. Sinebrychoff’s head brewer Heikki Vuokko according to both of the Tiktok video pouring methods are wrong, or at least not optimal.

– A properly poured glass has a foam flower about a finger or two thick. The carbon dioxide content in the beer is precisely adjusted to be optimal in terms of taste, mouthfeel and refreshment, says Vuokko.

– Of course, you can shake that carbon dioxide out, but then the beer is also acid-free. You can do the same for lemonade and champagne too, if you’re afraid of acidity.

According to orthodoxy, beer is poured into a glass like this:

Hold the glass at a slight angle and pour the beer along the inside of the glass. The mouth of the bottle or can must not touch the glass. After you have poured for a while, raise the glass and continue pouring without interruption. In this way, a foam flower is formed in the glass, which is the lid of the beer. The foam flower prevents the aromas of the beer from escaping and is therefore an important part of beer enjoyment.
