‘I’m now known as the girl without a bra’

Airen Mylene is shocked that she is so haunted by the revelations about her bra aversion. “I came in and someone said, ‘Hey, aren’t you that bra girl?!’”

© SBS 6

It is the revelation that hit her Shownieuws colleague Patty Brard so terribly: Airen Mylene prefers not to wear a bra and also goes to the physiotherapist without a brassiere. Patty thinks it’s ‘stupid’ and ‘attention-grabbing’. But Airen himself seems satisfied with the attention it generates; after all, she is quite vanilla and this gives it some profile.

Airen to party

Airen tells off Radio 538 that she is now really known as the girl without a bra. “I did overcome something this weekend. I went to a party alone. That in itself is not such a point, but there was no one I knew at that party either. It started at two in the afternoon and I was there, yes, at a quarter past ten in the evening.”

It is always difficult to find your way in the beginning, says Airen. “It was great fun, but you come in and think: ooh, 25 people, two groups, where am I going? I thought: I have to do something, otherwise I will become a wallflower. I thought: I will immediately join a group.”

Girl without a bra

However, the ice soon broke, according to Airen. “The ice was quickly broken, because I came in and someone said, ‘Hey, aren’t you the girl in the bra?!’ So I was helped a bit.

Colleague Frank Dane: “Yes, that girl who never wears a bra! That attention grabber!”

Oops, here he quotes Patty’s hard sneer. Patty who is supposedly big with Airen again. Is it clean appearance? Airen has still not spoken publicly about Patty’s mean sneer.

How she reacts to Frank’s remark? Airy. “Yes, exactly. That yes!”
