“I’m not giving up. I’m willing to take a step to win Spain”

  • The vice president allows us to see more clearly than yes, she will take on the challenge of being the candidate of the new space to the left of the PSOE in the general elections of 2023

  • She is received in an auditorium of 2,500 people with shouts of “president, president!”: “Compañeros and compañeras, little by little, we’ll get there”, he says

The second vice president and leader of United We Can in the Government, Yolanda Díaz, entered the Andalusian campaign this Saturday calling for a vote on June 19 and also with a message for the future: “I do not resign“. “If I have been nine months with the companion Ione [Belarra]fighting to raise the minimum interprofessional salary by 15 euros, not for us but for you, I am willing to take a step to win Spain“, he assured before launching a question to the militancy: “Are you willing to fight for Andalusia?”.

Díaz expressed himself in this way in a public act held in Córdoba together with the candidate of Por Andalucía for the Presidency of the Board, Inma Grandson. It was the first of the three rallies in which he accompanied her in the race to 19-J, an act in which the leader of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, also participated; the general secretary of the PCE and leader of the IU, Henry Santiagoand the candidates Juan Antonio Delgado Y Hope Gomez.

“I know that there are fears, distances and sadness, I know that progressive people do not know what to do,” Diaz encourages the bases, warning that there is no room for “resignation.”

The Vice President of the Government began her speech in the Axerquia theater and before some 2,500 attendees, according to the organization, between shouts of “Chairwoman!”. “Compañeros and compañeras, little by little, we’ll get there,” he replied with a laugh before starting a speech in which he asked the militancy of the confluence, which groups IU, Podemos, Más País, Verdes-Equo, Initiative of the Andalusian People and Alianza Verde, which give one last effort to mobilize voters in the week that remains until the polls open.

“I know there is fears, distances and sadnessI know that progressive people don’t know what to do,” said Díaz, who said that, despite everything, he is not resigned. “I am not resigned. If I have spent nine months with my colleague Ione and with my colleagues fighting to raise the minimum interprofessional salary by 15 euros, not for us but for you, I am willing to do it, to take a step to win Spain”, she assured while the audience applauded standing up.

“Are you willing to fight for Andalusia?”

“But I ask you:you are willing to fight for Andalusia?”, he questioned before stating that “there is no room for resignation” in the Andalusian elections.

Nieto: “There is one day less for Díaz to be the first female president of the Government of Spain”

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For Ione Belarra, for his part, the president of the Andalusian Government, Juanma Moreno, was “the first regional leader who closed an agreement with the extreme right of Vox to be able to govern”, in reference to the agreement that allowed forming at the beginning of 2019 the coalition government of PP and Ciudadanos in Andalusia with the parliamentary support of Santiago Abascal’s party, while asking him to surrender “accounts of its true management“. Belarra was also “very proud to be part of this political space that campaigns without asking not a single euro to the banks from this country”.

Inma Grandson He began his speech by positioning himself in favor of Díaz’s aspirations to lead a future coalition in the general elections. Nieto, who belongs to IU, affirmed, after thanking Belarra’s presence at the event, that it was “one day less missing for Yolanda Díaz to be the first female president of the Government of Spain”.
