“I’m not a whore”: woman films how she is offered 100 euros in broad daylight in exchange for sex | Abroad

“I have 100 euros…”, begins the striking video, which has already been viewed more than 5 million times. “I’m not a whore,” the woman replied fiercely, “but I never said that, I know good,” said the man who initially refused to leave the woman alone. The young victim was eventually able to dismiss the man, but has since filed a report and the local police have started an investigation.

“I didn’t know how to react,” she testifies anonymously to the channel BFMTV. “All the time I thought he had a knife. I preferred to stay calm, but I did say to myself: ‘He’s going to attack me’”. Still, the woman remained calm and waited for the man to leave her alone. The video is used by many French people to address the sense of insecurity of women on the street. “We don’t dare to go out on the street anymore. We’re scared. But that’s why we need to talk about it,” she concludes.
