“I’m not a Cheek yet!”

Aatu Jämsen, 21, is an artist who entertains people in the rink and at concerts.

– Incredible goal! The man does it again!

MTV’s announcer beamed at the end of January Aatu Jämsenin handsome aerial paint against Tappara with true devotion. And it was great!

However, for Jämsen, one of the bright spots in the SM league, it was just a normal performance.

– To me, the air scoop is the same as putting food in my mouth. I have practiced it so much that there is nothing miraculous about it, Jämsen states calmly.

The Pelicans’ 21-year-old winger has become known for really creative and surprising solutions with the puck, but bravery also has its downside.

The decision maker

Jämsen has already missed 21 League matches this season. A few games were missed due to training camp for the Los Angeles Kings’ young prospects, but most of the absences are due to various injuries.

– There have been a bit too many insults, Jämsen admits.

Of particular concern are head injuries. Jämsen has had at least two decent concussions in just over a year, both against HIFK.

– I don’t want to comment on those tackles anymore. It’s already hard enough when all the experts in their own lives tell you how you should have acted, Jämsen states.

One reason for concussions is a bold style of play that pushes a man into dangerous spaces.

– Older players have given me tips on how to avoid them. Situations should be recognized better: when it is worth challenging, when not.

Jämsen is trying to learn tips, but he is not going to change his playing style.

– I certainly wouldn’t even play puck if I didn’t dare to use my own strengths.

The story continues after the picture.

The brave player has suffered concussions. Tomi Natri / All Over Press


Despite the injuries, Jämsen is playing the best season of his career in light of the point average.

The artist’s development curve has been heading towards the northeast ever since a strict interview was held for the young Herra in the summer of 2022.

– The entire coaching team was there, Jämsen recalls the heated meeting.

He listened to the “clay in the pants” head coach Tommi Niemelän and the partners’ feedback when the physical tests revealed that no development had taken place.

– Before that conversation, working out tasted like wood. I hated going to the gym, I didn’t like it at all, Jämsen admits.

It was made clear to the young man that he could no longer manage with gifts alone. You really had to work outside the rink if you wanted to play professionally.

– The change happened the very next morning.

Training motivation started to grow when Jämsen noticed that he was developing. There was suddenly more time to do more things on the ice, and I didn’t always stay on my feet even in the fights.

The young star, who still lives with her parents, also received instructions on her diet. They say there’s nothing to complain about when it comes to mom’s dishes, but you should eat more vegetables.

– A couple of times I have tried to cook myself. Minced meat spaghetti is at least successful.


Born: In Lahti on 22 July 2002

Game place: winger

Handedness: left

Length: 189 cm

Weight: 77 kg

Nick name: Kid Jamsen

Change: Father Lasse Jämsen played more than 500 games in the SM league for Pelicans, JYP, Kärppie and Tappara. Big brother Juuso Jämsen23, plays for Mest in Kiekko-Espoo

“Lotto win”

Jämsen’s phone started ringing in the morning of October 27, 2020. At the other end of the line was Christian RuuttuLos Angeles Kings head of European talent scouting.

Ruuttu asked about Jämsen’s news on the morning of the second day of the NHL draft.

– Then I sensed that they could call my name, Jämsen recalls.

That’s what happened too. Jämsen’s name came out when it was two o’clock in the morning in Finland. The Kings drafted him in the seventh round at No. 190.

– My friend and I watched the draft at home on the computer. When my name was called, it felt like winning the lottery. We bounced into the air.

Jämsen has not signed a rookie contract with the Kings yet. It must be done before next season if the club wants to keep the winger’s NHL rights.

Kings’ management has been to Finland a couple of times this season to meet Jämsen, but both times the man has been injured.

– I have been with them in the dugout watching the game. We’ve talked about all the world’s things and we’ve had a good time. It’s been really nice of them.

What kind of feedback have you received?

– They just reminded us that we have to work hard. You don’t get caught up in the game, but you have to develop your fitness so that your strengths stand out better.

Jämsen uses NHL stars as player role models by Jack Hughes mixed Connor McDavid’swith whom he plays with the same game number 97.

The story continues after the picture.

One of Jämsen’s goals this season has been an NHL contract. It hasn’t happened yet. Tomi Natri / All Over Press

Kid Jamsen

Jämsen is not only an artist in the rink, he is also in civilian life. The man raps under the stage name Kid Jämsen. He has been influenced by Aussie rappers From Kid Laro.

Jämsen, who likes to wear expensive branded clothes, often looks more like a rapper than a hockey player outside the rink.

– Sometimes the faija has said that “alappa pays the rent if you can afford to buy such clothes”, Jämsen laughs.

The multi-talent operating on Merkonomi’s papers started making rhymes during the first corona wave, when training was canceled and school was closed.

The self-confident rap style is at least under control. Although Jämsen’s voice has a little tension, even shyness, during the interview, he gives rambling comments.

Could you imagine that a rapping disc star with blond long hair and flashy designer clothes turns heads in Lahti’s nightlife?

– Hahah… I don’t think I can comment on that.

According to Jämsen, he can move quite freely on the streets of Lahti, although sometimes some people recognize the man and ask for a selfie.

– But I’m not a Cheek yet!

Kiekkotähti, however, comes from the same corners of Patomäki as the former rap star who left the music world. Cheek is indeed one of Kid Jämsen’s role models.

– That’s what I’ve been saying since I was little.

Would you rather be a rap superstar or a hockey superstar?

– That’s just the question! Hmm… Yes, I’d rather be the superstar of the lake.

The story continues after the picture.

A Lamborghini Urus like this would be Jämsen’s dream car, but for now he is cruising the streets of Lahti in the “sponssi-Pösö” offered by Pelicans. PDO

Office awake!

After a difficult early season, the Pelicans have become one of the hottest teams in the league. However, according to Jämsen, the team’s playing style has not been compromised.

– It just took a while for the new players to get used to the “Hölö” system, which is a bit different than elsewhere. Now everyone has gotten on the same page.

If the Pelicans’ flying weather continues throughout the spring, the season may even end with the championship party in the best case scenario. Jämsen would have one wish for them.

– If the office was awake then and procured William’s To the market in Lahti, so maybe I could make my dream come true and play a gig with him.

This is how Pekka Virta analyzed the Pelicans’ and Jukurs’ performances in January. Roni Lehti
