I’m left without a voice, I get tired when talking. Symptoms that we should not ignore.

Dysphonia, a frequent symptom in people’s daily lives, is most commonly linked to those professions or vocations related to the use of the voice, such as teaching, acting, speech, singing, and also those that involve continuous and prolonged speech. hourly throughout a workday.

For this reason, dysphonia when it is present is NOT normal, but it is worth clarifying that those events that usually occur in people’s daily lives and their presence as such lasts less than 7 days, in many cases they usually reverse without major risks. Even so, it is important to highlight each event and its relationship with which the dysphonia was associated.

As a specialist, I highlight the importance of controls in those who meet the daily needs in accordance with their profession, here as a medical action, we carry out controls of what we call video laryngosocopies, a non-painful and simple study that allows us to see the vocal cords, provides a diagnosis and eventual therapeutic treatment. We call medical treatment vocal hygienic measures such as vocal rest, anti-reflux diet, avoiding cell phone audio, resting after a hard day’s work and fundamentally we emphasize the abuse and misuse of the voice.

The combination of teamwork such as speech therapy and I highlight it as an extension in these conditions is of great help as the beginning of a treatment, a complement to surgery, clarifying that sometimes when the study of the vocal cords is carried out there is the possibility that it is necessary, since as a second step speech therapy and follow-up with the otorhinolaryngologist are key.

Without neglecting the importance of smoking patients who present with dysphonia, they should not fail to consult in order to correctly approach the diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Dr. Ignacio Golian


MN: 134145

Instagram: Dr.ignaciogolian


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