“I’m just not bothered like that”

Heidi Willman tells her Facebook followers that her fight against hackers has been going on for almost two months.

Heidi Willman fell victim to hackers. Inka Soveri

2001 Miss Finland and presenter Heidi Willman42, says that he lost his large work platform.

Willman says on his new Instagram account that his account was hijacked by hackers on November 24, 2023. He immediately hired a professional to save the account, but according to Willman, the battle is still not over.

– These hacker cases are said to be quite difficult. Now the situation came up that I thought of setting up such a temporary account. This might become a permanent account if it cannot be returned, he says in his video release.

Heidi Willman wants to show her guts to hackers. Jani Korpela

Despite his unpleasant situation, Willman does not want to be discouraged.

– I have to say that now our people are trying as hard as they can. But with all the more vigor and energy, because now I want to show those fucking hackers that I’m not just being bullied like that, he says with his fist raised.

However, in the text section of the publication, Willman tells how much the mischief of hackers has affected his work.

– In the blink of an eye, I lost the rest of my job last year, and this year’s job is certainly at stake, since there is not the same platform for content production as before, the presenter laments.

– I hope from the bottom of my heart that my clients and followers will find here and I can continue my work here, which ended like a wall with the old account, he adds.

If the link is not visible, you can view the publication from here.

Willman told Iltalehte on November 6 Dancing with the Stars in the waiting room of the program’s guests, that social media has become his biggest source of income. However, he still does host work.

– However, Some is the biggest source of income for me at the moment – from commercial collaborations, the presenter said.

– I’m careful about that too. I will not take anything (collaboration) just for money, he stressed.
