‘I’m holding on to my beard’

Frans Timmermans sat at the table at Op1 yesterday with a stylist and a hairdresser and during that conversation he proved to be very steadfast. “I’m just holding on to my beard.”


The Friday On 1 is entirely devoted to politics and yesterday some peripheral issues were also discussed. For example, Dyanne Beekman was allowed to talk about the importance of styling for politicians and hairdresser Ap Israel was allowed to say something about the Hague hairstyle. At their table was Frans Timmermans, the leader of GroenLinks and PvdA.

‘At ease’

Frans attaches little importance to their talk. “You now talk very strongly about how you organize that, but as a politician… I have learned for myself, but that is very personal: I can perform best, especially on TV, when I am at ease. For years I did what I had to, tie and suit…”

He continues: “I was never really comfortable and then I decided: if I have to, I’ll wear a tie and otherwise I won’t. I do jackets and not suits anymore and I felt comfortable. That really helped.”

‘We’ll wear a tie’

Dyanne can agree with that. “That’s what it’s all about. That it is authentic and that it suits you. But if you go to the king, it might be nicer to wear a tie.”

Frans: “Yes, I would do that too.”

Dyanne: “But when you go into the country, you sometimes wear a cardigan underneath.”

Op1 host Sven Kockelmann: “A cardigan? I mean: that sweater comes just below 30 degrees.”

Frans: “Yes, yes… Then I feel at ease.”

Not styled

Tij van den Brink wonders whether Frans is telling the truth. “Are you not advised on this point? Do you just do what you like?”

Frans: “My campaign team knows: you can advise me on anything, but don’t complain about my clothes.”

Tijs: “You are not styled?”

Frans: “No, no, no.”

Beard off?

Hairdresser Ap believes that Frans’s beard should be trimmed and the hairs on his head should be shorter. “Suppose you go to a hairdresser and he gives you advice: are you open to it, yes or no? Just like we are sitting here at the table, we all want a new look sometimes.”

As long as it’s not about his beard, says Frans. “I’ve had that beard for four or so, five years now, I think. I don’t know exactly, but my wife keeps saying, “Just shave that thing off, man.” But I feel comfortable with it and if I feel comfortable with it, I can function better and I am not distracted by it.”

The hairdresser: “Then you should keep it.”


The fragment in Op1:
