I’m Googled, Therefore I Am: How to Beat the Algorithm

Google it created operating systems, mapped the world, changed the way we send email and store photos, and tried, with varying success, to build self-driving cars. But Google’s parent company, Alphabet, is still primarily an advertising business. In 2020, the company earned $147 billion in ad revenue, the 80% of your total income.

And there, it falls victim to its own success, making its flagship product, search, less useful. Like much of the Internet in 2022, Google it feels monetized to the extreme. And that path leads inexorably to improving SEO to be more in line with the changes in the algorithm.

“Companies that can guess the vagaries of algorithms Google’s constantly updated updates are rewarded with coveted page space,” explains Marie Haynes, a consultant who has been obsessively studying Google’s algorithms since 2008.

and although Google provides SEO experts with frequent updates, the company’s search algorithms are a black box (a trade secret you don’t want to give away to competitors or spammers who will use it to tamper with the product), which means knowing what kind of inside information Google will privilege requires a lot of guesswork and trial and error.

In May 2021, Google announced MUM (short for Multitask Unified Model), a natural language processing technology for search that is 1,000 times more powerful than its predecessor. “The presence of ads in search is worse than ever because of the company’s decision to prioritize its own products. We are in this transition phase”, adds the expert. Charlie Warzel.

“The AI ​​tries to understand not only what the user is typing, seeker, but also what you are trying to get to. Read the content within the pages and internal inquiriesand that changed the kind of result people get,” continues Warzel.

SEO experts

The experts in SEO should first of all analyze the flow of users of Google Analytics. The first task is a review of how the current human audience is using the top link structure.

The idea is to interact with search engines, favoring the featured content, but the user experience tops all of that. You have to investigate the internal search of the site: which navigation links users follow to find the content that interests them.

And finally visualize user interaction with a heat map: a data/numbers-driven approach to understanding user behavior with core navigation. Even so, many companies and brands ask themselves:why google ignore us?

“Many times it is not enough with SEO positioning, organic positioning, without investing money in Google. We must understand that if we do not invest we do not win, and if we do not invest to be visible on Google, we do not exist”, they explain from the agency Avalon3 its directors, Nicolas Ardanaz and Gerson Temperley. “The focus is not on what to do, but on how. How to invest correctly in Google to exist”, they add.

SEO experts

“Appearing on the first search page is a mistake. Many clients believe that conceptually the best strategy is appear first on google, and that is the first big mistake, because although you are going to achieve results, the results will come at a very high cost. The great objective is to appear first but only for the public of people that we really want to be interested in our product or service”, they point out

“A strategy of branformance that we baptized as Avalon Concept. The key to investing what really corresponds to the audience segment that can consume us It sounds complicated, and it is, but that’s what the agency is for. To be the external advertising and marketing department of our clients”, from Avalon3.

Google charge every click or each appearance compared to a search, and that is the tricky part, since if one invests only in appearing first, even if the user searches for something else, money is lost.

And then you have to have a website under the parameters and policies that the internet god himself demands. “You have to make the “buy” button visible and achieve 23% more sales in an online store. Bringing the audience to another format for viewing the product, offering solutions such as chatting on Whatsapp when a payment cannot be made, and re-adapting a website based on the results that our audience has”, adds Temperley.

“Our own algorithm, created in 2018 and mutated three times a year since then, works like a kitchen recipe according to the audience. A formula that allows us penetrate what Google does not tell usbut if you know”, they conclude.

by RN

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