‘I’m going to sue Youp myself!’

Rob Goossens actually thinks it is a bit of a shame that Yvonne Coldeweijer does not appeal against the croquette verdict. “I am now considering suing Youp van ‘t Hek!”


Yvonne Coldeweijer’s announcement that she would appeal against the judge’s croquette verdict caused panic among Rachel Hazes. She can’t use another PR drama and that’s why, despite the judge’s ruling, she has given Yvonne permission to say ‘cremated croquette’ again.

Tolerance situation

For that reason, Yvonne waives the appeal and Rob Goossens thinks that is a pity. The show connoisseur of RTL Boulevard was very much in favor of this, because he finds it ridiculous that a Dutch judge has ruled that you are apparently no longer allowed to call someone a croquette.

Now he says in the show section: “I think Rachel’s reaction is smart, because if she hadn’t done it, the whole of the Netherlands would have called her cremated croquette, which is already a bit true of course. But I actually hope that Yvonne will continue, because a kind of tolerance situation is now emerging.”

Rob critical

Such a tolerance situation is not desirable at all, says Rob. “Whereby the judge does not allow it, but the other party says: well, come on, it is allowed. But yes, then there are still all kinds of other people who think: hey, but if Rachel manages to do it, then I will also try to take it to court.”

Private boss Evert Santegoeds adds in Shownieuws: “Now there is still jurisprudence left. It was a matter of principle, so she had every reason to do it. That verdict now stands, but well: everyone really has their fill of those croquettes. We are also done with it. When you see what’s going on in the world…”

Attack on Youp?

Rob now jokes that he is considering a lawsuit against Youp van ‘t Hek. The cabaret artist has called him a ‘Rob Goossens’: “Isn’t that a swear word in itself? That you say to someone: ‘What a Rob Goossens you are!’”

The Boulevard star winks on Twitter: “I am strongly considering starting a lawsuit against Youp van ‘t Hek to prohibit him from ever calling me Rob Goossens again. Unnecessarily offensive to me. Words have effect!”
