Ilyas (18) gets house arrest by Antwerp mayor De Wever during New Year’s Eve: “After one stupid event I am counted among the rioters” | Interior


Dec 31 2022

The 27 targeted young people would pose a threat to public order. The frequent offenders with house arrest are boys and men between 13 and 30 years old. The majority live in Antwerp North, Borgerhout, Deurne or ‘t Kiel.

Ilyas El Yacoubi, 18, was arrested during riots during the World Cup. “But there has been no trial and so this feels like a punishment,” he explains.

Ilyas El Yacoubi © VTM NEWS

“After one stupid event, I am counted among the rioters.” According to Ilyas and his parents, that was the first time he came into contact with the police. They don’t think it’s fair that he is now being tarred with the same brush as 26 frequent offenders by the mayor. “No verdict has been handed down yet.”

The house arrest will take effect on December 31 at 5 p.m. and will last until January 1 at 8 a.m. Those who do not comply with the house arrest risk an administrative arrest and a GAS fine of 350 euros.

And what is Ilyas going to do tonight? “I stay home like every night,” he assures.
