Ilves – TPS: Iltalehti follows

Iltalehti is following the semi-final match between TPS and Ilves in this case.

The puck draws the audience to the auditorium in Tampere. Mika Kylmäniemi / AOP

On Friday, TPS will have the opportunity to secure its place in the Finnish Championship League finals for the second year in a row. The people of Turku lead the semi-finals against Ilves 3–1.

The people of Tampere are fighting for the continuation of the series in front of their home audience. The incentive is probably enough, as the fresh arena is sold out.

The match starts at 18.30. Iltalehti follows the events in this story.

Live monitoring

TPS leads the set 3-1. Mika Kylmäniemi / AOP
