Illinois governor calls for ban on assault rifles

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) – After the deadly attack on a US National Day parade, the governor of the state of Illinois has called for a ban on assault rifles. “We need to ban assault rifles, not just in the state of Illinois, but nationwide,” Gov. Jay Robert Pritzker told CNN on Sunday.

High-capacity magazines should also be banned. “It’s just something that I don’t think civilians should have.” Like US President Joe Biden, Pritzker is a Democrat. Biden wanted to ban assault rifles, but failed due to opposition from Republicans in the US Congress.

A 21-year-old man opened fire on Monday last week at an Independence Day parade in Highland Park, Illinois. Seven people were killed and scores more injured. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the perpetrator confessed to having shot at the crowd.

The United States has long had to contend with an almost gigantic level of gun violence. At the end of May, an 18-year-old gunman massacred an elementary school in Texas: He killed 19 children and 2 teachers in the small town of Uvalde before being shot dead by the police. Just over a week earlier, an 18-year-old had shot ten people in Buffalo, New York, probably for racist reasons./cy/DP/he

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