“I’ll never go there again!”

It must be very crazy if Marco Borsato is ever to play in full stadiums again. In any case, the candidates of De Slimste Mens have no confidence in it. “It will never be in the cockpit again!”


Marco Borsato was briefly discussed last night in the ratings hit De Slimste Mens. After a short fragment about the abuse scandal surrounding The Voice of Holland, host Philip Freriks asked his candidates how to proceed with discredited men like Marco Borsato. Can he ever work again?

‘Never in the cockpit again!’

Yes, according to media expert Rob Goossens. He does add a caveat. “Everything that has or has not happened, there is no life sentence on it, so I do think that at some point someone has served their sentence and then of course can do what they think they are good at.”

He continues: “You can only wonder how many people still enjoy listening to these artists, knowing what happened. You can already see it with Glennis Grace. It no longer sells out even the smallest halls. Yes, so we will in any case not see Marco Borsato again in De Kuip.”

Thomas doesn’t want to

Thomas van Groningen, the political face of Op1, is also no longer interested in tickets for Marco. “I’ve been there with Marco Borsato in the Kuip. That wasn’t even that long ago. Two or three years ago or so. I thought it was a great concert then, but I don’t think I would buy a ticket for it now.”

Philip: “No, no. We go on.”

Jury member Maarten van Rossem: “On the other hand: why should someone sing less because they have behaved in a sinful way?”


Thomas: “Yes, but I think that if you stand and cheer someone on in a stadium, you don’t just do it because you like those songs, but also partly because you like the person.”

Marcel: “Then I can make a list for you with recent artists in the past half century who have not behaved according to the values ​​and norms of the Dutch citizenry, and then I’m afraid that you will get much further than Gert and Hermien. .”

AD editor-in-chief Rennie Rijpma: “Well, I don’t think everything went well there either.”

Maarten: “Oh, then that will stop too.”
