Ilde Forgione, head of the Uffizi’s TikTok channel

No.ata in Empoli thirty-five years, Ilde Forgione is there manager of the TikTok channel of the Uffizi Galleries. But he also has a doctorate in administrative law and from this year she is a researcher at the University of Modena. Her boundless curiosity feeds on literature, law, films and lots of cartoons. «To interpret paintings and statues in a pop key – she says – it is necessary to have an in-depth knowledge of myths, art and history. But also the present ». In his work it combines high and low culture in an intelligent and fun way.

The luxurious rooms of the Palazzina della Meridiana in Palazzo Pitti in Florence are once again opening to welcome the first major monographic exhibition ever dedicated to one of the protagonists of 19th century romantic painting: the Florentine Giuseppe Bezzuoli, 29 March 2022. The exhibition, open from Tuesday March 29, 2022, until June 5, presents over 130 paintings, sculptures and drawings, which tell the career of Bezzuoli and the art of his time. There are also many loans from Italian and foreign museums and collections. Ansa / Press Office of the Uffizi Galleries

8 o’clock

Check notifications and news on social media right away. The Uffizi were among the first museums in Europe, together with the Prado in Madrid, to open a channel on TikTok on April 28, 2021 (@uffizigalleries), the social network designed to host very short videos dedicated to ballets, comedies and tutorials. The idea of ​​transforming the museum into a living institution, aimed at the public of the future, rather than contemplating the past, was the director Eike Schmidt’s, even before the pandemic. The experience of these ten months has revealed that there is a high demand for culture even on the part of generation Z (those born after 1995).

9.30 am

It takes a lot of work to make 15-second videos. Sometimes ideas are born by chance, other times they have a long gestation. In some cases we start from the desire to enhance a specific work, in others it is music, the dialogue of a film or a cartoon that tickles our imagination. There is a continuous exchange of messages between the eight people who make up our team (including the director) and the experts of iconographic documentation.

1 pm

Modena, Palazzo Ducale - Photo Giancarlo Vaccaro ∏ FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano (58)

Modena, Palazzo Ducale – Photo Giancarlo Vaccaro ∏ FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano (58)

I have been working at the Uffizi since 2010, but I also have a degree and a doctorate in Public Law and Economics and since 1 January 2021 I am a researcher at the University of Modena. If I have academic papers to finish, I put the phone in airplane mode so nobody bothered me and I throw myself headlong into writing. The watchword is “prioritize”, that is, give priority. But I don’t give up on lunch: cooking helps me shift my attention from the cognitive to the manual level and re-oxygenates me.


I go back to the creative part. I love De Gregori’s music, but I also listen to that of the younger ones. During the summer, we decided to make the three Graces by Francesco Morandini known as Poppi dance, based on the hit “Coincidance” (by Handsome Dancer), obtaining about 260 thousand views. Apollo and the muses of Baldassarre Peruzzi also found themselves dancing to the notes of “Better” by Valentino Khan & Wuki. We do not “explain” the content of the work, its author or the reference period: guides and schools are already dedicated to this. We try to grab attention and intrigue. The good thing is that on Tik Tok, (which is also visible to non-subscribers), you can’t breathe the bile of Facebook: the comments are very positive.

6 pm

We publish about three videos a week: Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. But if a video is particularly successful, such as the one in which Andrea del Castagno’s Petrarch tries to attract the attention of his divine Laura, portrayed by Pietro Saltini (almost 400,000 views), let’s wait a few days before putting on another one. Nothing is left to chance. Tik Tok presents a wide range of tools for editing (augmented reality masks, effects, animations, stickers and filters) and we use them to bring art directly to a tool that young people always hold in their hands.

9 pm

I watch a lot of cartoons: The Emperor’s Insanity, Family Guy, Shrek, and the Ice Age were generous sources of video inspiration. This is also work. And it amuses me.

