IL at Himos: original selections in festival style

Iltalehti checked the style choices of the Iskelmä festivals. Many were wearing printed t-shirts and hats.

Iltalehti is on site at the Iskelmä festival in Himos, feeling the festival atmosphere. Dressing up is an important part of festivals. The outfits show effort and originality, without forgetting, of course, more traditional summer dressing.

Several festival goers were wearing band shirts. During Thursday, Popeda and Vesterinen took to the festival stages with their bands, whose shirts were worn by the festival crowd. On Friday, on the other hand, Mariska, J. Karjalainen and Acid Radio. You could buy shirts from different artists at the event, so the number of band shirts increased during the evening.

The concert shirts show which band the partyers have come to see. Vesterinen and his band gathered a huge crowd on the Aamuklubi stage. Antti Nikkanen

Popeda fans had put on fan shirts. Antti Nikkanen

The festival crowd could also see more traditional summer clothing. Sunglasses, t-shirts and denim shorts were a sure choice for the hot weather.

The festival style also featured a more traditional summer look. Antti Nikkanen

Men in particular could also see sports clubs’ game or fan shirts.

Shorts and a t-shirt were also a common sight in dressing. The logo of the NHL club from Chicago is beautiful on the red shirt. Antti Nikkanen

Kites and various hats were for sale in the festival area. During the evening, people went wild to get themselves different props.

Leis and fisherman’s hats were also very popular, especially among the younger party crowd. Antti Nikkanen

Cowboy hats were a tough word for Iskelmi. Antti Nikkanen

Some of the audience had put a lot of effort into their outfits. The event featured several different masquerade costumes and characters from familiar movies or TV series. Among other things, a person dressed as Uuno Turhapuro made the festival crowd laugh.

The heat didn’t stop festivalgoers from dressing up in role-playing costumes, as many wigs were seen at the Iskelmä festivals.

The Iskelmä festivals also showed a real investment in housing choices. The man in the picture showed up at parties looking like Uuno Turhapuro. Antti Nikkanen

The party crowd enjoyed the close atmosphere throughout the evening. Antti Nikkanen

Some of the festival goers dared to put on a wig despite the intense heat. Antti Nikkanen

Printed “team shirts” were also very popular. The shirts had a funny text agreed upon by the group of friends, which entertained the rest of the festival audience.

Funny, printed shirts entertained passers-by. Antti Nikkanen

There was also an interesting text on the back of the shirt. Antti Nikkanen

The festival group in question had taken a uniform approach to dressing: team shirts and hats. They also had self-crafted vip necklaces around their necks. Antti Nikkanen

Shirtlessness was also noticeable due to the intense heat. However, as the evening progressed, the weather got cooler, so a longer shirt could have been necessary.

The Iskelmä festival is celebrated in Himos throughout the weekend. The performers at the festivals are a huge range of Finland’s leading artists. On Friday, Abreu will take the stage, among others, J. KarjalainenDingo and Maustatytöt x Agents.

When the heat reached, the bravest took off their shirts. Antti Nikkanen

Glitter make-up applied to the face was a big deal at the Iskelmä festival. Antti Nikkanen

Some of the festival-goers had brought a lot of props with them to spend the festival day. Antti Nikkanen

Original use of a sun hat. Antti Nikkanen
