Ikea smart home hub update unlocks remote access

Ikea has continued to expand its smart home range in recent years. The furniture manufacturer is now announcing a particularly valuable update that is intended to enable remote access to the corresponding devices. This allows you to control the lighting at home, for example, even when you are on holiday. Read more about this at TECHBOOK.

Smart lamps, motion detectors, light switches – Ikea has upgraded step by step when it comes to smart homes. In addition, the furniture giant regularly carries out updates, which should raise the use and ease of use to the highest possible level. Customers have now had to wait longer for one thing: the option of remote access, i.e. being able to operate their intelligent Ikea building technology while on the move. Apparently this is finally here.

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Finally remote access to Smart Home from Ikea

Users control their devices connected to the smart home via an app. And this is now receiving an update that unlocks the said new function. Ikea calls it the “Control Anywhere feature”. It should enable access even when you are not at home, but are on the way there or on vacation. Until now, the Ikea Smart Home could only be controlled from the home WLAN.

But even if the valuable update is currently being widely reported – for many users everything will remain the same for the time being.

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Update not yet available everywhere

You also have to say that it is still Ikea and not a technology group that specializes explicitly in smart homes. Everything else could probably be more automated and simpler. A hub is required to use the smart Ikea devices. This was updated last year, TECHBOOK reported. Back then, Ikea announced that remote access for the in-house smart home system should still be possible in 2023. The furniture company is now making good on this promise – but actually only for those customers who use the updated Dirigera hub. The new feature is useless for users of the now outdated Tradfri hub.

It also depends on where you live whether the update for your own building technology is already available. Ikea announced it in its app store description for Great Britain; in Germany, however, the “Control Anywhere” feature does not seem to have arrived yet. So we still have to be patient, but the corresponding update shouldn’t be waiting too long in this country either. Some “bug fixes” should have been made here for this.
