IKEA launches the VÅRDANDE collection with five social enterprises from Asia

The new collection is inspired by the desire for carefree and well-being. VÅRDANDE was created in partnership with five social enterprises from Asia who want to enable socially disadvantaged people to have a better everyday life through long-term employment and a livelihood.

VÅRDANDE is the Swedish expression for «being protected». The collection includes textile products, such as a kimono, yoga mats and blankets, but also a basket, a fabric storage solution, bowls and flower pots. A large part of the product range is handmade or produced in sustainable factories set up by the social enterprises that work with IKEA.

Most materials are sourced locally from IKEA partner regions, e.g. B. Banana fibers, clay and jute. Cotton products are made from cotton that comes from more sustainable sources. This cotton requires less water, chemicals and pesticides than conventional crops and offers farmers higher profit margins. The raw materials come from Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand and India, where the social partners are based.

VÅRDANDE was born out of a desire to offer jobs and economic opportunities to the most vulnerable. By working together with local social enterprises, which also employ those who have difficulties finding work, IKEA can improve the everyday life of many people. As a result of this cooperation, the products can be offered in all IKEA markets around the world.

«With VÅRDANDE we want to offer everyone the chance to just stop and relax. The collection includes a range of products that make a big impact with small changes – for those who buy them as well as for those who make them. The collection is being developed in partnership with social enterprises Classical (Bangladesh), Ramesh Flowers, Doi Tung (Thailand), Spun (India) and SAITEX (Vietnam). The five companies have made it their goal to also offer long-term opportunities to people in socially marginalized groups and disadvantaged areas,” explains Lena Sörmon, Business Leader IKEA Social Entrepreneurship.

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VÅRDANDE means standing up for someone or something. The collection was developed by the two designers Akanksha Deo and Sarah Fager.

The VÅRDANDE collection will be available in IKEA stores, on IKEA.ch and via the IKEA app from August 2022. Due to delivery delays, it may be that not all products are available.

* As of September 1, 2015, IKEA has been sourcing its cotton from more sustainable sources. This includes: the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI, including related initiatives in different regions of the world) as well as cotton from farmers working towards the BCI Standard (TBC) and growing e3 cotton. Find out more at Cotton from more sustainable sources.
