Iina Kuustonen trained herself to be in top shape for the main role

Actress Iina Kuustonen put herself on the line for the main role.

Aleksi Delikouras funny Punch comedy will be shown for the first time on television on Monday night. See you in the main roles Of the fall acquaintances Mikko Töyssy and Iina Kuustonen.

The film is about the shy Kertus (Kuustonen), who works as a librarian. He is sent to the gym, where he can be coached by Vili (Töyssy). Life has not treated Vili, who is a successful ex-bodybuilder, well. With Vili’s help, the storyteller emerges as a real fitness star, but there are still some problems.

Iina Kuustonen and Mikko Töyssy star in the hilarious comedy Puntkomedia. Jouko Piipponen / Yellow film & TV

For his role, Kuustonen got to know bikini fitness competitions. The actor revealed to Iltalehte that according to the original idea, his face would have been attached to the stunt body. However, there was no need for this, as the actor put himself in a good position.

– The first thing I thought was, oh my god. But then when I got to know that world and the people there, my perception changed and my knowledge of the sport increased enormously, the actor said in an interview in October last year.

Kuustonen published pictures from the scenes of the film on his own Instagram account. Many paid attention to the actor’s changed appearance.

If the image is not visible, you can view it thisfrom.

In an interview with Iltalehti, Kuustonen told how he had to follow a strict diet. Especially the difference to Mikko Töyssy’s diet was significant.

– It was sometimes quite an unfair arrangement. Mikko got so much food that he couldn’t eat it. At the same time, I had a piece of tofu and desi rice on my plate, Kuustonen said in the interview.

Iina Kuustonen shone at the premiere of Punttikomedia last year. Jussi Eskola

Punt comedy today on Nelose at 21. See all program information and broadcast times on Telku.
