Iina Kuustonen congratulated her father on a funny picture

Kuustoset has co-starred in the film Rölli, which was a reminder of Iina’s Instagram.

Iina Kuustonen has worked with her father. Pete Anikari

Actress Iina Kuustonen, 37, congratulated her 62-year-old father on Friday, musician, actress About Mikko KuustoOn Instagram.

Iina conveyed her congratulations with the picture:

– Congratulations Mikko Kuustonen, the text sounds, but the picture itself steals attention.

In the picture, Kuustoset poses in the role of costume, Mikko as a pirate-clad Soloist and Iina Sähinä as a man.

The picture is from the descriptions of the film Rölli, which can be seen from the subject tag marked by Iina. The theme is also “father and daughter at work”.

If you don’t see the Instagram embed, you’ll be able to access it from this link.

Rölli and the golden key The film premiered in 2013, so the picture isn’t quite fresh.

In her comments, Mikko thanks her daughter for her congratulations.

There have been other, rather exhilarating, comments on the post:

– Good picture of father and daughter.

– Fortunately, Iina you don’t look like your father.

– Children to work day.

– Mikko is clearly Melilosvo, but what is Iina? Landomi doll character?

Last autumn, Iina Kuustonen highlighted the shortcomings of her field in Uncensored Päivärinna.
