Igmar Felicia leaves Radio 538 | show

‘THAT LUCK! JOB AWAY! That’s a nice introduction if you hardly ever post anything anymore’, he begins his message. ‘To get straight to the point, then I’m also immediately off: my contract with 538 runs until April and I now know for a week that it will not be extended. That sucks, shit, sucks. And at the same time not the end of the world. It is what it is. Enjoy every second of radio next month. We do with evening shows anyway, now even more.’

The DJ will still make radio in April, a spokesperson confirms when asked. “We are grateful to Igmar for the three years he was part of Radio 538 and wish him every success in his further career,” said the spokeswoman.

Felicia made the switch from Qmusic to 538 in May 2019. He can be heard on the channel every Monday to Thursday between 10 p.m. and midnight.

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