If you see this on chicken, throw it away immediately.

03/24/2023 at 23:59


We tell you how you can tell if the chicken is in bad shape

It will depend on whether you keep it raw, frozen or cooked.

Chicken is one of the most consumed meats in Spain. However, we do not always keep it properly and we run the risk of getting sick quickly. For this reason, We tell you some keys that you should keep in mind before cooking or eat raw, frozen or already cooked chicken.

spoiled raw chicken

Chicken can be kept raw in the refrigerator for one to two days; however, thereafter problems can begin. For example, if the color turns gray or greenish, throw it away. The same as if you discover mold on the surface. It should not have a very greasy or very dry texture either: must be as the first day you bought it. Finally, if raw chicken smells strong, get rid of it.

spoiled frozen chicken

One of the most common ways to extend the shelf life of chicken is to freeze it.; however, you must take into account a series of aspects to avoid consuming chicken in poor condition:

  • If you have a large layer of iceeither your freezer has broken or the chicken is in bad shape.
  • Has white or very dark spots? You shouldn’t cook it either, because the chicken may have started to go bad.
  • He smell It is, as always, one of the clearest indicators.

Poorly cooked chicken

First of all, you should not cook the chicken and keep it in the refrigerator for many days because its condition can deteriorate quickly. Still, if you have, the color of the meat must be homogeneous, the texture uniform and the smell must be the same as it was when you cooked it.
