“If you only had to eat one food for the rest of your life, it would be this”

Finnish food day is celebrated today, September 4.

Cabbage box is many people’s favorite baked dish.

Cabbage box is a great Finnish home food. You can’t get anywhere with that, says chef Risto Mikkola.

What would be a better food today, on the day of Finnish food?

Mikkola has a warm relationship with the cabbage box. Also because it is his wife’s favorite food. Many people love Kaalilattiok, but it doesn’t bask in the limelight.

– You could even say that the cabbage box is a rejected celebrity. It has a lot of fans who don’t vote for their favorite, says Mikkola.

Some time ago, Mikkola was having lunch with his friend, and each of the men chose a box of cabbage for food.

– It’s not about my mother’s taxes, stated Mikkola’s lunch club directly.

This food is pretty much the same as Mika Pikkis Tuomolan a cabbage box made by mom.

You need good rice porridge, carefully stewed minced meat and onion, milled cabbage and plenty of dark syrup.

When all these are done, mix all the ingredients together and pour the egg-milk mixture on top. It makes the box sturdy and solid.

– If you only had to eat one food for the rest of your life, it would be a box of cabbage, Tuomola states.

Rice porridge

1 dl of porridge rice

1 dl of water

4 dl whole milk

1 teaspoon of salt

1. Cook the rice in salted water until the liquid has been absorbed into the rice.

2. Add the milk and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the milk has been absorbed into the rice.

3. Finally, add salt and mix into the porridge.

Minced meat

600 g ground beef

2 onions

2 teaspoons of salt

0.5 tsp black pepper

0.5 dl of ketchup

2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil

1. Brown the minced meat in a frying pan in rapeseed oil.

2. Add all the remaining ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes.

Freeze cabbage

1 kg of cabbage in strips

0.5 dl rapeseed oil

2 teaspoons of salt

0.5 tsp black pepper

2.5 dl of maple syrup

1. Heat the oil in a pan and add the cabbage strips.

2. Simmer the cabbage under the lid for 10 minutes until it is slightly softened.

3. Season with maple syrup, salt and pepper. Simmer for 20 minutes.

4. Mix the rice porridge, minced meat and cabbage together. Spread the cabbage box mixture in the baking dish.

Egg and milk

1 egg

3 dl whole milk

1. Pour over egg milk and mix. Bake in a 160 degree oven for 2 hours. If the surface of the cabbage box darkens too much during baking, cover the cabbage box with aluminum foil.

Licorice yogurt

2 dl food yogurt

1 dl frozen blueberries

1 tablespoon of sugar

a pinch of salt

1. Mix all the ingredients together.

Vappu encourages Pimi to bake Karelian pies. Inka Soveri
