If the tenant leaves, the fishing pine shall die!

By Teresa Zacchaeus

A piece of Berlin tradition is fighting for survival!

The boat rental “Zur Fischerpinte” on the Plötzensee has been in the business directory since 1946, generations have rented rowing boats here and hissed a Molle. But the business has to close as soon as the 78-year-old tenant Wolfgang Düring dies.

The rules are so inhuman!

Because: The Mitte district owns the property and wants to better protect the landscape in the shore area – so the boat rental does not fit into the concept. When Düring wanted to sell his business a few years ago, he was informed of this arrangement. “And then the whole thing is supposed to be demolished at my expense,” he complains.

But how could this happen? In 1953 the Volkspark Rehberge and the Plötzensee were designated as a landscape protection area (LSG). Important difference: The area is not a nature reserve. That would aim to severely restrict visitors to protect an untouched nature. In contrast, access for people is an essential feature of an LSG.

Tenant Wolfgang Düring (78): “I ran the rental business for 30 years.  I want to be able to sell it so someone else can carry on.  My pension is not high, so I need this selling price”

Tenant Wolfgang Düring (78): “I ran the rental business for 30 years. I want to be able to sell it so someone else can carry on. My pension is not high, so I need this selling price” Photo: Ralf Guenther

The left from the center thinks that the connection between man and nature also works in this area and has submitted an application to the district assembly (BVV) to continue to allow operations at Plötzensee. The application states: “The interests of nature conservation and the interests of the residents of the neighborhood must not be played off against each other.”

Environment councilor Almut Neumann (Greens) gave in to the broadcaster RBB. For them, continued operation is conceivable if environmental concerns were secured by conditions. “I would therefore like to take another technical examination,” said the city councillor.

The lido at Plötzensee including the jetty in 1920

The lido at Plötzensee including the jetty in 1920 Photo: Private

Applicant Martha Kleedörfer from the district board of the left: “We welcome the fact that Dr. Neumann is open to continued operation. At the same time, we expect not only an examination, but a speedy decision that involves the residents and the BVV. The Plötzensee must continue to have leisure activities for everyone, especially for those who cannot afford expensive vacations and need to relax at home!”

So there is still a glimmer of hope. There is still a list of signatures in the rental shop and on the Kiezblog www.weddingweiser.de. 1,000 residents must sign for the project to be brought back into the BVV.
