‘If I hadn’t asked for more pay, I wouldn’t have gotten it’ | Work

SalaryHow much do you earn? We ask a Dutch person every week. Today: Linda (35) works 16 hours as a cafeteria worker.

What do you earn?
,,885 euros net. Gross I don’t even know. Or wait, I’ll just log in to take a look. Gross it is 909 euros.”

Happy with?
“Certainly, because I asked for a raise last year. I had applied for another job in catering. There I would earn 13.30 euros gross per hour. But then I regretted it, partly because of the colleagues I work with, who I would miss. They are so nice. Then I asked my employer if he could accommodate me. I first earned 10.78 euros gross and he agreed to pay me 13 euros gross per hour from now on. I was just not allowed to tell my colleagues about it.”

How do you feel about not being allowed to share it with your colleagues?
,,I don’t really talk about salary with colleagues. So I didn’t mind very much.”

What are your secondary employment conditions?
“We have a thirteenth month and a profit distribution, but getting that is of course not possible for the time being due to the corona crisis.”

Have you negotiated your salary more often?
“Not in the beginning. Then I was totally fine with what I got. I have a MBO-3 diploma, but not for work in this sector. Recently it was the first time I asked for a raise. That feels good. If I hadn’t asked for it, I wouldn’t have gotten it. So I am proud of that.”

Do you know what your colleagues earn?
,,The minimum wage. I do know the amount of one colleague. She was the one who told me to talk to the employer about the salary. She then also discussed her salary with the employer and has also received more per hour. By me actually. She was very happy with that.”

How do you see your financial future?
“I think it will remain stable. My partner works full time and I work for the fun stuff: eating out, extra clothes. We’re getting married next year, I’m saving extra for that. Working is also pleasant for social contacts. ‘It’s always fun when you’re there,’ they say. That’s good to hear.

I have worked full time in the past. Gradually I started working less. Now I have more time for the household and other appointments. It also gives me peace. I have autism and ADHD, so it’s nice that I work fewer hours and have more freedom. Otherwise it will be too busy. I’ve had therapy when I wasn’t feeling well. I was on sick leave for two years. This job was actually for 20 hours a week, but they were able to change my contract to 16 hours. My partner is totally fine with it too. He is very happy that after a bad period I am comfortable in my own skin.”

Age: 35
Number of years of work experience: 3.5 years
Number of working hours per week: 16
Education: MBO-3
Function: cafeteria worker
Industry: catering (catering)
Number of employees: 25

The Salary Guide currently does not have sufficient data to calculate the average salary for this position. According to the collective labor agreement for contract catering, someone with Linda’s job duties and experience will receive a salary of around 2000 euros gross for a 38-hour working week. Converted to 16 hours, that is 842 euros gross. So Linda is above that. “Well, great.”

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What is the Salary Guide? 7 Questions & Answers

1. Based on how many hours of work per week is the salary based?

Salary is based on a 40 hour work week.

2. Is the calculated salary including or excluding holiday pay?

The monthly salary shown does not include holiday pay.

3. Does the calculated gross salary include or exclude commissions and/or bonuses?

The forecasted gross salary excludes variable components such as commissions, bonuses and so on.

4. Does the calculated gross salary include a 13th month?

No, the predicted gross salary is a ‘normal’ monthly salary without settlement of a 13th or 14th month.

5. I work for a multinational with 10,000 employees worldwide. However, the Dutch team consists of 50 employees. What do I choose for company size?

The size of the organization is limited to the number of colleagues in the Netherlands.

6. What does budget authority mean?

This is the maximum amount that you can spend for professional purposes and for which you do not need permission from a manager.

7. How often is the information that serves as the basis for the National Vacature Bank Salary Guide updated?

Salaries and fringe benefits are not static data, but are constantly evolving.

Do you want a higher salary? This is how you arrange it:
