“IDeC Institute: The new commitment of Dr. Carolina Laxague and Lic. Vanina Escurra” – Brand

1) What is IDeC?
Instituto Dermacoaching is an entity dedicated to the professional development of aesthetic professionals.
I was always very close to aesthetic professionals due to my activity as a doctor completely dedicated to the world of aesthetics and anti-aging medicine and together with Ms. Vanina Escurra, who is a psychologist, psychopedagogue and Coach, we felt that we could contribute a plus by integrating the training of each one, to complement and enhance the careers of aesthetic professionals.
In this way, we set out to take cosmiatry to another level and found the first Derma Coaches career on the market.
We are pioneers and trainers of trainers, which fills us with pride and joy, since contributing to the academic development of our students allows us to be part of their projects and their growth in all areas of life.

2) How did IDeC come about?
Cosmiatry can address different skin conditions that provide many benefits to patients and that medicine often cannot cover.
We think that this close bond that is generated between cosmiatrists and patients should be incorporated into the holistic and integrative view of the current concept of health. Health, according to the WHO, is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease.
This is how this proposal was born, which gives rise to the professional practice of the Derma-Coach, who is trained to practice holistic and integrative cosmiatry that takes the person as a whole and addresses it in an integral way.
Lic. Vanina Escurra tells us that: “Psychology and coaching have a lot to contribute to the work of cosmetologists. Our challenge is that the students can complement their work in the area of ​​aesthetics, putting resources into play to improve people’s habits and lifestyle and thus become health agents specialized in promoting well-being.”

3) How do coaching tools merge with Cosmiatry?
Coaching is action, it is a discipline that focuses on helping people achieve their goals and develop their potential. In the context of patients’ quality of life, coaching is a very powerful and effective tool, as it promotes responsibility, commitment and personal power. All of this empowers the consultants who are active participants in their change process.
A coaching course designed specifically for health and aesthetic professionals (cosmetologists, cosmiatricians and dermatocosmiatrists), trains coaches who accompany people to improve their quality of life, providing them with the skills and tools necessary to face and overcome the challenges related to your health and well-being. In turn, they guide people in building a bridge between their current situation and the desired situation, they are experts in active listening and providing constructive feedback.
All of this allows them to help patients identify and overcome obstacles, set realistic goals and make informed decisions about their lifestyle and treatments. And of course, they accompany and guide in the recovery and management of chronic skin conditions.
According to Ms. Vanina Escurra: “The advance in the study of psychodermatology provides a solid theoretical basis on which to build Derma-Coach interventions.”
Additionally, coaches teach self-care skills that significantly improve patients’ quality of life, allowing them to lead a more conscious and healthy life overall.

4) What benefits can a Dermatocosmiatry Coach bring to the quality of life of their patients?
A coach in dermatocosmiatry is a health and aesthetic professional who:

  • Guides and educates in aesthetics and health and in different areas that make up personal well-being.
    Helps generate changes in the lifestyle of its patients.
  • Guide, accompany and inform.
  • Teaches skills and guides toward achieving possible goals.

The final objective that directs its activity is the self-management of positive habits to achieve an impact on the quality of life and the results of the treatments carried out in the field of cosmiatry.

5) What new strategies do Dermatocosmiatry Coaches use to improve the quality of life of their patients?
We propose a theoretical-practical study program based on the proposal of neurosciences to the current health paradigm, so the Coaches in dermatocosmiatry will be trained in the knowledge of various topics and areas such as:

  • The psychoneuroimmunoendocrine-cutaneous axis and how the influences of the environment on it impact the skin and its conditions.
  • The relationship between emotions and skin.
  • Stress: Guidelines and programs for its management.
  • The positive impact of a balanced diet, physical exercise and improved sleep quality.
  • They will be able to detect when it is necessary to care for and strengthen the immune system.
  • They will learn different uses of Mindfulness, they will learn to apply neurocosmetics and peptones protocols.
  • They will obtain great knowledge about the gut-brain-skin axis, knowing in depth the latest discoveries about the skin and intestinal microbiota and the fundamental role that this system plays in the body.
  • They will understand current concepts of epigenetics, a science that studies how the environment (Exposome) influences the expression of certain genes that can condition the health of an individual.
  • Also highlighted in the training, the communication and support strategies put into practice are a fundamental pillar for each patient to see better results in facial and body treatments, improve their lifestyle and achieve not only look but feel better.

To Learn More:

Instagram Dr. Carolina Laxague: @dracarolinalaxague

Instagram Lic. Vanina Escurra: @lic.vaninaescurra

IDeC Instagram: @instituto_dermacoaching

Whatsapp: 1160521563 // 1144004704


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