ideas and phrases – iO Donna

Noot only Christmas wishes. When a child is born, a new family is also born which should be celebrated with the appropriate greetings. But it often happens that in front of the ticket you don’t know what to write and embarrassment takes over. Many are inspired by their imagination, while others “borrow” phrases and aphorisms from writers and poets, decidedly more accustomed to pen and words.

How to wish for a birth

Before thinking about what to write, it is necessary to choose the “medium” with which to do it. Sending a ticket or sending a simple message on Whatsapp? Usually both options are chosen: as soon as we receive the news of the birth, we reply with a message, then we send the card which can also accompany a gift.

But how to write the ticket? It’s always better make a “draft” first so as to avoid spelling errors or have uncertainties. Furthermore, when writing it is better not to repeat and not to waste the cardboard. Obviously recommended to write in a clear and legible handwriting and add dateusually in Arabic numerals while the month and year can be written in Arabic, Roman numerals or in words, at the top right or bottom left at the end of the text. In addition, the location can also be entered.

Best wishes for the birth of a child: the phrases

What to write then? A selection of phrases, more or less formal, to dedicate if the unborn child is a child:

A great classic: “Welcome among us little one. We are all already in love with you.”

The sweet message: “When a child is born, a mother and a father are also born”

the message sympathetic to the couple of friends: “The stork has chosen well. Congratulations guys!”

Good luck: “Congratulations! You have entered the magical parenting club. Good luck.”

the message full of great affection: “Dear ones, I’m sure your child’s eyes are as bright as his parents’. He too, like you two, will become an exceptional creature. With all my heart”

The world at the height of children

And the phrases for the birth of a baby girl

Feminine declension for greetings for girls:

The classic congratulations: “This little girl will be a lovely addition to your wonderful family. May her every smile make your world brighter. Congratulations!”

To a new adventure: “It’s wonderful to see you embark on the greatest adventure of your life.

The practical message: “It’s really beautiful! Congratulations, and if you need anything, just let me know”

The romantic message: “A rosebud has just opened. Take care of it. Congratulations!”

The love message: “The arrival of your little girl will fill the world with femininity, love and sweetness. Congratulations!”

Message from a friend/couple of friends: “Congratulations on the arrival of this beautiful baby girl. I know you will be great parents. Good luck!”

Formal wishes for the birth

If, on the other hand, you need a more formal messageHere are some ideas:
“Congratulations on the new arrival. Raising a child is never easy, but there will be satisfaction and joy. Best wishes.”

“Our heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your son. This is one of the most important days of your life for you and I am happy to be able to share your joy with you. Best wishes!”

“I sincerely wish you that the happiness that radiates from your hearts today will last forever. Having a child is a precious gift: one of the most beautiful and strongest emotions in life. Congratulations again.”

“Best wishes. Your family has expanded, just as, day after day, your heart will be filled with love more and more.”

