“I’d rather go to jail than give up”

By Anne Losensky

A climate sticker, two charges, a fine of 600 euros: because police officers had to scrape him off the asphalt twice in Berlin, a Rhinelander stood before the Tiergarten district court on Monday.

His name is Jens V. (37) and comes from a small town in North Rhine-Westphalia. Says he is “permanently disabled”. Lives on basic security.

► 10.30 a.m., first criminal case (Az. 293 Cs 149/22): On July 4, 2022, the climate radical blocked the access road to the Beusselstraße in Wedding – long traffic jam.

► 11 a.m., second criminal case (Az. 293 Cs 136/22): On June 21, 2022, he blocked the Messedamm exit in Charlottenburg – long traffic jam.

The blockade tourist from the small town: “All true. But I didn’t do it to harm other people.” But to shake things up in the climate crisis.

Jens V.: “I’d rather go to prison than give up. I will take part in such activities again this week!”

Traffic was blocked for hours. An ambulance even had to stop an emergency operation on July 4, 2022, says a police officer (33): “The driver got really upset because he couldn’t get through.”

The verdict: double coercion, double resistance, 40 daily rates of 15 euros each. Makes a total fine of 600 euros.

The judge: “I already have the next criminal case against you on the table…” The accused nods.
