‘I’d rather Bram Moszkowicz!’

Natacha Harlequin causes quite a lot of irritation in juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer. She is terribly annoyed by the Shownieuws expert. “Then I would rather see Bram Moszkowicz!”

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She always sits at the Shownieuws desk as if she has the only correct opinion: Natacha Harlequin. Because she wears a toga during the day, she thinks her opinion is more relevant than that of her TV colleagues. She was already unbearable a month and a half ago when she jumped in the breach for Lil Kleine and yesterday it was that time again.

Not a pleasant expert

Together with Patty Brard, Natacha was very busy defending the rigging rapper. She addresses her colleagues with a different opinion than so decisively that it is simply cringe-inducing. Yvonne Coldeweijer has also had enough of it now. On her juice channel, she hands out a big sneer at the lawyer.

Yvonne: “Due to her limited vocabulary, Natacha always has to think for a long time about what she wants to say and then tries to pronounce these primary sentences as intelligently as possible. Sorry, I see Natacha very often at the desk at Shownieuws, but I don’t think this is a pleasant expert.”

87 percent

Yvonne’s followers don’t like Natacha either, according to a poll on her juice channel. Only 13 percent say they like her; the other 87 percent would rather see her disappear.

Yvonne is even so annoyed by Natacha that she would rather see Bram Moszkowicz, who is also already fist deep with Lil Kleine. “Mosko is sooo annoying, but I personally prefer to see him at the desk than Natacha.”


Finally: what does Yvonne actually think of Clarice Stenger, the togame woman of RTL Boulevard? “He needs a lot of words to say little.”

At least Clarice, unlike some of her colleagues, knows when it’s time to shut up. For example, when Glennis Grace is talked about in RTL Boulevard, she consciously keeps aloof. The Jumbo-fighter is assisted by an office mate of Clarice.


Natacha with bosom friend Patty:
