ID Graph Solutions – BRAND

Joaquín Menendez, How were the beginnings of your brand?

The company emerged in January 2021, after a series of entrepreneurial attempts with my brother and colleague. On this occasion we decided to take advantage of all our knowledge and previous experiences acquired throughout our stay in companies in the ID sector. We both separated from the company we shared and decided to face our project, with a clear business vision and in which we sought to differentiate ourselves from the company to which we belonged. We felt that the world was going one way and the company was going a totally different direction. This made an impact, motivated us to take a step aside and taking advantage of the digital marketing and customer loyalty skills that we had acquired, we created the web version 1.0 of ID Graph Soluciones ( advancing at the same time, with the development of campaigns to attract potential clients. The internal dialogue was always: “If we can attract clients for others, why couldn’t we attract them for ourselves?”

What are the services you provide to your clients?

Mainly we position ourselves as a company that provides customer acquisition, retention and loyalty solutions.

How do you project ID Graph Soluciones?

In the medium term we want to upgrade our star product, precisely the customer loyalty system, which gives us the possibility of marketing it without consulting or borders, covering all the needs and requirements of the market.

What are your differentials in the sector?

Our main differential is the close treatment with which we approach clients. Advising them almost personally is a strong differential that is highly valued. On the other hand, more than 10 years in the field and hundreds of projects already implemented are important aspects.

If you were starting over, what would you do differently?

An active search for financing from the first minute would have served as a springboard, mainly by maintaining a stable development team, which would allow us to carry out some projects that could have been very fruitful, but that in the end fell by the wayside for different reasons.

Contact information:

WhatsApp: 1157814807

Instagram: @idgraphsoluciones



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