ice hockey | DEL: ERC Ingolstadt in the DEL final

ERC Ingolstadt is aiming for its second title in the German Ice Hockey League (DEL). The 2014 champions won the sixth playoff semi-final at the Adlern Mannheim 2-0 (1-0, 0-0, 1-0) and won the exciting series 4-2.

Main round winner Red Bull Munich has meanwhile awarded its first match point. Coach Don Jackson’s team lost in game six at the Grizzlies Wolfsburg 2:3 (0:1, 1:2, 1:0), so there will be a decisive duel on Wednesday in Munich.

“It’s bitter for us. We made two or three small mistakes, which Wolfsburg punished coldly. Wolfsburg was more efficient,” said international Yasin Ehliz at “MagentaSport” given a shot record of 46:14 for Red Bull and added with a view to the showdown: “Both teams are looking forward to game seven. We’re dying for it.”

Trevor Mingoia (18th), Tyler Morley (22nd) and Fabio Pfohl (35th) scored the hosts’ goals in front of 4022 spectators. Andreas Eder (34th) and Chris DeSousa (41st) shortened for Munich. The guests were dominant and pushed vehemently for an equalizer in the final third, but they repeatedly failed due to the strong Wolfsburg goalkeeper Dustin Strahlmeier. “He’s our life insurance. He’s a wall,” Morley praised his goalkeeper.

ERC Ingolstadt strong away from home

Ingolstadt was once again able to rely on its strength away from home. The ERC won all three games in Mannheim.

Wayne Simpson (4th) took the lead early. After that, Ingolstadt defended strongly, Mannheim ran in in vain. Mathew Bodie scored the decision into the empty goal (60th).
