Ice Cube on AI use in music: “I think it’s terrible”

The rapper fears that artificial intelligence could soon completely replace artists.

In an interview, Ice Cube was asked about the use of artificial intelligence for creative projects. The US rapper and actor made it clear that he would not like the use of AI for creative work at all because, in his opinion, it would only make people “lazier”.

Ice Cube criticizes the use of AI in music and films

In an interview with Piers Morgan on the TV show “Uncensored”, Ice Cube said that he found the use of artificial intelligence “terrible”. His fear: “People are becoming less creative”. To further illustrate his point, the musician drew a comparison to acting and explained his concern that the industry could use artificial intelligence to replace artists against their will:

“Imagine if I decided against a sequel and the film industry said, ‘We own the rights to your likeness. We will play you in the sequel whether you like it or not because we have the right to do so.’ And now they’re using AI to put an Ice Cube in a movie that I don’t want to be in, saying things I don’t want to say and doing things I wouldn’t do, and I hate that… “

Even with deceased artists, one cannot understand whether they would have actually done the projects during their lifetime or whether they would have agreed to them, Ice Cube goes on to explain his fears in an interview. The conclusion of the 54-year-old: AI will “harm people more than help”.

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The debate about whether artificial intelligence could be a curse or a blessing for the music industry and how it should be evaluated was also carried out by the Grammy Awards committee this year. This raised the question of whether and when a song with AI-generated parts should receive a Grammy Award. In any case, he could now be nominated: at the beginning of July, the President of the Recording Academy, Harvey Mason Jr, announced that nominations were allowed as long as the work contained an essential human contribution.
