Ibrahim El Bouni is back in his own city after eight years: “I make the neighborhood proud”

Kickboxer Ibrahmi El Bouni is back in his home city after eight years. The last time he entered the ring in Amsterdam was in 2014. After traveling all over the world to fight, he will be back next Saturday November 5th. El Bouni fights the main match of Glory Rivals 3, organized in the Sporthallen Zuid.

El Bouni started kickboxing at the age of 13 and did not immediately have the goal of fighting matches. His aim was more, as he puts it, “to play a little, to spar a little”. Around the age of nineteen he fought his first match and that immediately left him wanting more. From that moment on, he knew for sure: fighting more matches, and also for money. “It was always my dream to fight for K-1.”

Number 50

And that worked out nicely. He has fought more than half of his matches abroad, including in K-1 in Tokyo, Japan. With 49 matches, 39 of which ended with a win, he will be back in the ring against Mohamed Balli next Saturday on November 5. If El Bouni wins, it will be his 50th career win.

Because his parties are not often in the Netherlands, ‘the boys from the neighbourhood’, Slotervaart, have no excuse this time not to be there. “Most are already daddy, they are now going to see it up close. I have often fought abroad and that is why they always had to watch the matches. I’m going to let them enjoy November 5,” said a combative El Bouni.
