IATA: airlines will return to profitability next year | Economy

Next year, the aviation sector will record a profit worldwide for the first time since the corona crisis. This is what the international aviation industry organization IATA expects. There are, however, worldwide differences between expected profits of airlines.

IATA thinks that airlines will jointly account for a profit of 4.7 billion dollars (converted about 4.5 billion euros) in 2023. This means that the companies are still below the profit level before corona, but it would be the first time since then that black figures are again written by the companies together. Due to the corona crisis, airlines have suffered a loss of almost USD 190 billion, according to IATA calculations.

Airlines from North America are already profitable this year, IATA thinks. According to the trade association, this is due to less strict travel restrictions compared to other countries and regions. As a result, the domestic market picked up quickly, as did flights across the Atlantic Ocean.

In Europe, airlines are not expected to make a profit until next year. For this year, IATA expects a loss of $ 3.1 billion, next year a profit of $ 621 million. The reason that this market is still lagging behind the North American market is partly due to the dissatisfaction among airport staff, which led to strikes every now and then this year. The war in Ukraine has also had an impact on some regional airlines.
