“I wish I could find a partner someday”

Pirkko Hämäläinen lost her Kirsti spouse about three years ago. The actress says in Anna that she would like to be someone else special.

Actress Pirkko Hämäläinen knows that life is worth enjoying. Jenni Gästgivar

For actor Pirkko Hämäläinen, 62, it is important that life is as comfortable and meaningful as possible. He does not value his achievements. Hämäläinen talks about his daily life and love in a recent interview with Anna magazine.

Hämäläinen’s wife Kirsti Simonsuuri died of cancer almost three years ago.

– Since then, I have been especially pleased that we were able to live in an instant and go on trips whenever possible. You should not wait for better times, Hämäläinen says in an interview.

Hämäläinen has two adult children with her ex-husband Puntti Valtonen with. Hämäläinen has worked for his son Battery28, cared for more than 20 years, followed by his wife Kirstin.

– Kiti always goes with me, but his loss does not determine me and what I do. We got to live together for more than 10 years. I have continued my life and tried to make it as good as possible, Hämäläinen says.

Hämäläinen says that sometimes he feels lonely. Even on the way home from work, he remembers not being able to share his thoughts with another.

– I wish I could find a partner someday. I might not want to live with anyone anymore, but I would still like to be special to someone. Unfortunately, the probability of finding a partner decreases with age. However, hope should never be lost, Hämäläinen says.

Source: Anna
