“I will be proud to be the first gay mayor of Barcelona”

Jaume Collboni has presented his proposals on the rights of the LGTBI collective this Saturday in an act at the Hotel Axel in which he has assured that with him at the head of the city this front will be defended with all intensity.

Collboni has sent a resounding message and an emotional point by proclaiming: “I will be proud to be the first gay mayor of Barcelona& rdquor ;. “We will win the elections and I will be mayor raising the flag against LGBTIphobia. There is no better guarantee of the defense of LGTBI rights than the fact that the mayor is gay & rdquor ;, she added.

The mayor of the PSC has looked back to remember the times, decades ago, in which LGTBI people had problems for things as basic as holding hands or kissing on the street. AND has praised the pioneers of the fight for the rights of the collective that they began to raise their voices “when nobody did & rdquor ;. As an example, she has cited the well-known activist Jordi Petit.

Memory on the Rambla

Collboni has recalled that la Rambla was the scene in 1977 of the first demonstration in Spain in defense of the collective, and has promised to install a memory point on the avenue to remember the role of those who dared to participate in the protest.

“Any young person who wants to go hand in hand with his partner or kiss him on the street, never forget that that was unthinkable, that they were pointing fingers at youand that one day men and women came out to say that they wanted to live in freedom”, he stated about that demonstration.

Another of its commitments is to fight to ensure that LGTBI people, especially the elderly, receive adequate respectful treatment in contexts such as residences or social health centers, as well as to reinforce the protocols for police action in the event of attacks on people in the group.

stop VOX

Collboni has dedicated part of his speech to warning that the risk that Vox manages to reach 5% of the votes and thus have representation in the city council in the next term is right now “a certainty & rdquor ;.

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“Voting for progress, voting for the PSC, that there is a high turnout, is a way for the ultra-right to not sneak through the back door into the town hall. I don’t like to shake the speech of fear, I wouldn’t tell you that this risk exists if it didn’t exist,” he said.

From bisexual mayor to gay mayor

“We do not hide our acronyms, nor our history, nor our proposals, and I do not hide my way of being and of wanting, which is that of many people& rdquor;, said Collboni. “We will have a socialist and gay mayor & rdquor ;, he stressed. If he manages to become mayor, he will be in effect the first gay to do so. And he will succeed Ada Colau, the first bisexual mayor, as she herself has proclaimed several times.
