‘I was treated too harshly and am no longer allowed to go to the US’

André Hazes Jr. believes that he was treated too harshly in the compulsory education case. The singer states that he is a victim of being a celebrity. “I was just really set as an example.”

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There was no need for it at all, but they still decided to pick André Hazes Jr. up from school weeks early last year to go on a nice holiday to America. The folk singer was enjoying his burn-out holiday and Monique Westenberg never does anything anyway, but they still wanted to travel outside the normal school holidays.

Treated too harshly

Well, that’s not possible in this country, especially if you don’t have permission. André and Monique were in front of the fence this summer and afterwards they received a strong stamp on their criminal record. “Were you treated too harshly?” presenter Frank Dane asks him in the afternoon show Radio 538.

André thinks so. He says: “Of course I was treated too harshly.”

‘You are honest’

Frank believes that honesty is punished. “Because of course you took the little one with you on holiday, which is not allowed, but you were honest about it. I would have pretended the little one had a cold.”

André: “Frank, listen, seriously, I think this is really shitty: so I have a note on my criminal record. You will only receive this after 14 days of absence from school. So you only have to appear if you have been absent from school for 14 days. We had to prevent at 13, so I was really treated too hard.”


Frank asks: “So you were really made an example of?”

André indeed thinks that he is a victim of being a celebrity and the role model that comes with it. “Naturally!”

Frank: “Can’t you go to America anymore and stuff?”

André: “My ESTA is still valid now, but at the next time there is a good chance that they will refuse me, yes, so that will just be Torremolinos or something.”

To Bonaire

André’s new school is much easier when it comes to traveling outside the school holidays, André says. “I’m going to Bonaire on the fifteenth for a writing camp.”

Frank: “Is the little one coming with you? Because it’s just school time, right?”

André laughs at the compulsory education law: “No, I received seven days’ approval, man. Yes, yes, yes, yes, hahahaha, yes! So that will come a week after that.”
