“I was NOT picked up on a private jet!”

Noa Vahle is very pissed off at the gossip magazine Story. According to her, it is not true at all that she was picked up from Greece by a private jet. “Check your sources!”

© SBS 6

Story boss Guido den Aantrekker causes a lot of anger among Noa Vahle, the daughter of Linda de Mol, with an assertion in his magazine. A ‘source’ tells in this week’s edition that John de Mol had his niece Noa picked up from work early last week. With the company car? Or an Uber? No, with an environmentally polluting private jet!

Noah is angry

Noa was working for John’s TV channel SBS 6 last Monday evening. As a reporter, she attended a Dutch team match in Athens, Greece. The next day, however, was the funeral of Daniëlle van ‘t Schip, the half-sister of her cousin Johnny de Mol. “That’s why John de Mol had her picked up from Greece by private jet.”

However, this claim from the Story ‘source’ is complete nonsense, Noa now says Instagram stories. “Good story, Story. I was on a, for your information, normal plane at 6:30 am to get to a funeral on time. Maybe check your ‘sources’ a little better from now on,” she sneers.

Flight 1572

Noa also shares a screenshot of her booking: she was on flight KL1571, which departed Athens at 5:35 am and arrived in Amsterdam at 8:10 am. Noa’s name is on that booking.

Patty Brard states that the Story really wrote nonsense and that Guido could have known this as an employee of Shownieuws. “I really believe that girl… In fact, our director was on the plane with her, so we are very sure. Check your sources!”, she says in the show section.

Guido corrects

The fact that Guido works for Shownieuws means that Noa’s uncle John de Mol is his boss. And that now leads to the fastest rectification in the history of Story. Noa’s manager Xenia Kasper corrects that piece: “Noa returned that morning on the first KLM flight from Athens, and therefore definitely not on a private plane.”

Xenia continues: “Noa had planned her return flight well and knew she would be back on time. It hurts her when it is said that she was taken back by private plane. There was never any question of that.”


The big question now is: should Guido be retired from Shownieuws now that he has written something about John’s family? It is no coincidence that the editors-in-chief of the two largest tabloids work for his TV channel. This way he can of course keep them in check a bit, but Guido is now coloring outside the lines.

Private boss Evert Santegoeds has also been suspended by John de Mol, namely after he revealed a company news about Radio 538. Such a job at Shownieuws is lucrative, but of course you are and will always remain a bit of a puppet. No matter how invisible the strings are…
