“I was better known than Achraf Hakimi”

05/04/2023 at 10:54


The actress has not hesitated to respond to the criticism she has received lately

“It’s a macho and misogynistic world”

As you well know, since Achraf Hakimi was accused of alleged rapestarted a Divorce proceedings between the PSG footballer and actress Hiba Abouka process that does not stop bringing us headlines of all kinds.

Specifically, in recent weeks, we have been able to see some headlines that speak of Hiba’s economic claims. In fact, several French media point out that she would be asking for 10 million euros, while he only wants to give 2 million.

All this has generated opinions of all kinds, since Social networks have echoed all this and have not hesitated to share these opinions, some of them are critical of Hiba Abouk. With all this on the table, since ‘Save me’ they have contacted herSpecifically, it was María Patiño who sent the following message to the actress through her mobile: “It’s amazing that they consider you an interested party“.

Hiba herself has also wanted to respond to the previous comments that we have mentioned, and he has done it in a more than forceful way in response to Patiño’s message: “It’s a macho and misogynistic world considering that when we started our relationship he didn’t earn money and I was better known than him. go figure“, he affirmed. “The good thing is that I am no longer affected by what they sayI want to be discreet so that tomorrow does not affect our family. I trust justice and common sense are on my side“He added, assuring that he is not concerned about the criticism that may come to him for his economic claims.

Hiba Abouk talks about Achraf and his form

| SPORT.es

On the other hand, Achraf has put all his assets in his mother’s name which, in turn, launched a harsh criticism of Hiba Abouk a few weeks ago. “If my son doesn’t do this, he wouldn’t be able to get rid of this woman,” explained Saida, who He claimed to be completely unaware of his son’s movement. Anyway, the property regime in which they were married can change the situation. Specifically, this implies that the marriage, in the event of divorce, Divide the wealth generated from the moment the link is made.

Additionally, it should be mentioned that Hiba Abouk’s lawyers, according to Lecturas magazine, are considering suing Achraf Hakimi for a crime of fraud for having included his mother as a beneficiary of all his fortune.
