‘I was able to get that off the land soon overspoeld’

What is he aan de hand?

Raes: “Are there any grandchildren we have that we have more than one child, and then for young children, register for the speedy service with bronchiolitis. For the corona pandemic, we are concerned about the tide of the winter months that corresponds to the normal age of the day, but the snail heat of the stijging is now greater than that. So many years that sommige ziekenhuizen geen bedden sea hebben om children who want to be hospitalized, op te vangen. Bovendia is also a tekort aan pediatric caregiver with de juiste expertise om hen op te vangen.”

Is that for Vlaanderen in Brussels?

“Op alle pediatrien- en spoedafdelingen is het nu alle hens aan dek. The problem arises in Brussel, but also in most other regions in Flanders. In some parts of Oost-Vlaanderen it is now even less, and in West-Vlaanderen there is more. I was able to overspoeld that soon.”

What is bronchiolitis precies?

“Bronchiolitis is an airway disease. Meestal wordt the veroorzaakt by the RSV virus, but that can also other viruses zijn. The mounting is not in the small airways, not for the long blaasjes was initially planned to be planned, because the children were enormously much more demanding with ademen. En doordat ze zoveel inspanning would like to leveren, raken ze verzwakt and hebben ze also want to meet with drinken. Hoe jonger het kind, hoe kwetsbaarder het is en hoe groter de kans dat we het moeten ondersteunen door zuurstof en vocht toe te dien.”

How gevaarlijk is het?

“Wereldwijd overlijden er jaarlijks nog honderden jonge childrenen aan. In the developed world, there are also België valt het nog mee, al kannnen he jaarlijks toch also nog enkele sterfgevallen zijn. Het is dan also een behoorlijk gevaarlijk virus waar kinderartsen schrik voor hebben. A child with RSV on the left side is a lot better than a child with Covid-19, bijvoorbeeld. Not all children have tried it: also other mensen from the age of 65 can be lifted. Oudere children and volwassenen komen then weer most vanaf met wat keelpijn.”

Beeld AFP

What is the result?

“In the first place we say in op prevention. Not even with Covid-19, the virus spreads by air. There are plans for some of our children on the same path as there are large children’s playgrounds and large family festivals. In the summer, the days are aangeraden a moon masker in Dragen. Also good hand hygiene and ventilation is important.”

“Over het algemeen geldt: hoe jonger je kind is, hoe alerter je moet zijn. As soon as the child notices that the child is less active, less able to drink and breathe, each child has to be younger than three in four months, not a single om de huisarts of spoeddiensten in te schakelen.”

Does he state al een vaccine?

“He bestaat momenteel geen vaccine om each child ertegen te vaccineren. Op dit moment zijn he studies aan de gang the kijken of je het vaccin niet beter aan wangere vrouwen kunt diedienen, which the bescherming dan can doorgeven aan hun fetus.”

“He also states that there is an anti-stof which we all can prevent deaths from premature children of children with chronic long-term hard targets. Op dit moment moet je the antistof wel nog elke maand opnieuw toedienen om goed te works, and that lasted vijf maanden. Het EMA had recently a new antistof goedgekeurd the 150 days zou works, but the moet nog been commercialized. For deze golf is dat te laat.”
