I wanted to be a rock star 2: Valentina Bellé is still the single Olly

D.see you tonight on Rai 2 then prime time (at 21.20) the new adventures of the Mazzuccato family in the second season of I wanted to be a rock star 2. We find the single again Oliviaalways stuck with the “fourth high school syndrome”, while all the others put seeds in their life: the twin daughters grow up more and more astray from the “class” ideas of rich grandma Nicethe brother Eros falls in love and also Francis leaps forward.

We’ll see if Olly this seasonas everyone calls her, she will be able to look in the mirror and detach herself from the past to project herself towards the future like a friend Danielaready to leave for China.

I wanted to be a rock star 2: the previews of tonight’s episode

Olivia (Valentina Bellè) always works as a saleswoman in the Bio store in Francis (Giuseppe Battiston), with whom she is still in love. She is no longer in the skin and she absolutely wants to declare herself. He too has a novelty: it has been two months, after returning from Canada, that attends Silvia (Anna Ferzetti), an Italian teacher who has just arrived in Casalonghe and lives right in front of him. It seems that between the two is going well.

Olly, however, does not lose heart and is convinced that she still has room to win back Francesco. But is it the right way? Her friend makes her think Daniela (Sara Lazzaro, Doc – in your hands). Isn’t it better to look ahead and change course? Meanwhile, Olly begins a new path: he decides to enroll in the evening school to get his high school diploma. AND who do you meet as a teacher? The new entry of fiction Silvia.

Giuseppe Battiston and the new entry Anna Ferzetti. (Rai)

Olly and the fear of the gaze of others. The love story between Eros and Fabio

Olivia is jealous of Silviaand is ready for anything to win back Franciswhich, according to the words of the mother Nadja (Emanuela Grimalda), is not yet sure of his choice. She is at a crossroads. We’ll see. in the meantime Olivia leaves school after Silvia criticizes one of her themes, feels teased. Maybe she’s just insecure either has fear of the gaze of others.

He should follow his brother’s example Eros (Riccardo Maria Manera)in love with the artist Fabio (Francesco Di Raimondo), aka Pan. In the beginning he too has fear of the gaze of others and judgmentthen love will spur him to show his true face, fearless, without hiding anymore. Eros is a romantic, like “all the Mazzuccatos”, her sister is convinced.

I wanted to be a rockstar 2 rai 2 tv series

Eros (Riccardo Maria Manera) and Fabio (Francesco Di Raimondo). (Rai)

Olivia, the clash with the daughters and grandmother Nice

At the start of the season, the relationship between Olivia and her daughter get more and more grumpydue to the subtle intervention of the rich and elegant grandmother Nice (Angella Finocchiaro), who would like to shape them as she pleases. Indeed she has a diabolical plan: snatch them from Olivia’s hands because she is convinced of giving her a better future.

Violet (Viola Mestriner) and Emma (Caterina Baccicchetto) they are on the verge of adolescencehormones gallop and are increasingly fond of grandmother Nicewhich allows them to do lessons of riding and classical guitar and to have the gifts they want. In short, he spoils them in a big way and bombard them with criticism of Olivia: “ She is a frustrated woman who works as a sales assistant and takes revenge on you. Wouldn’t you like to become like her? ». The clash between Olly, the ex’s mom and the twins gets more and more tense.

