‘I want to rest, John de Mol!’

Angela Groothuizen is sick of clickbait. She therefore initially said ‘no’ to John de Mol’s request to participate in the successor to The Voice. “I just want peace.”

© Wessel de Groot, William Rutten

The living and working climate of well-known Dutch people was under serious pressure, especially during the corona crisis. They were suddenly hunted by all sorts of juice hyenas. “There was so much hatred during the lockdown. I had the feeling that all heads had to be cut off, especially those of well-known Dutch people,” says Angela Groothuizen Veronica Superguide.

Not in the mood for TV

A kind of celebrity hatred arose, according to Angela. “They had to die, cunning, skin and all. That felt threatening. Then you come out on the street and it turns out to be really bad and you see how important it is that we can look each other in the eye again. That you can say something nice to each other.”

She does think that the show media has permanently hardened. When John de Mol called her to ask if she wanted to become a coach in the Voice successor The Talent Scouts, she first said no. “I thought: it’s okay. I want peace. I didn’t look good, was exhausted after a tough period (because of her breakup, ed.) And I actually didn’t feel like watching TV at all anymore.”

Tired of clickbait

Angela is especially annoyed by clickbait, exaggerated and sensational headlines that are intended to draw readers in. “I find it exhausting that we live in an age of clickbait. Everyone is so caught up in the issues of the day that everything you say or do is reduced to ‘news’ that gets clicked: clickbait.”

She continues: “Everything is clickbait these days. Everyone participates and sometimes something is created that is not there at all. You used to have to deal with five sour critics who wrote after a performance that we were hot chicks and that was it.”

Still said yes

Now the whole world has an opinion, according to Angela. “So I really didn’t feel like it. But I said yes anyway, because it’s about music. In the end it’s all about music for me. That’s who I am. And what I’m good at.”

The Talent Scouts can be seen on SBS 6 from Saturday evening, in the middle of the summer season.
