“I thought that I was talking over a sheet”: two bestuurders voor righter na dodelijk ongeval met e-stepper (17), and toch kunnen ze allbei vrijuit gaan | Middelkerke

You can now go to the politierechtbank van Brugge. This means that two people should complain responsibly for incitement to violence. Erwan, a 17-year-old e-stepper, was born in Middelkerke. It’s just right after the fact that it’s not a problem, two of us won’t be addressed. Blijft de vraag: wither what fate? What is the word used for onoplistenijke doding? Of komt het dead twee vrijspraken? For the politically right interest rate there was an evident dossier. “It is a different situation,” we also heard from political activist Christian Van Hoorebeke, who decided on the right bank for a free state.

Mathias Mariën
