“I think this is getting too cruel”

In Leijona luola Suomi, Elias Aalto does not accept Jenni Kynnöksen’s offer to the hosiery entrepreneur.

Lion’s cave Finland – program features a hosiery entrepreneur today Katariina Ahowho has come to ask the lions for 15,000 euros in exchange for 10 percent ownership.

Investor lion Jenni Kynnös wants to take Elias Aalton along and makes a bid for both of them. However, the investor lions get into a heated discussion about Jenni’s offer, which they perceive as exploitation.

– Elias, we’ll make this deal, Jenni says decisively.

– You are the best. There is something about this product. I love that, as Elias says, that makes something Premium – that it’s not always the 6 euro scheisse that falls apart in your hands. We are offered 15,000 euros from 15 percent, Jenni says to the entrepreneur.

– Don’t bother, Elias says, shaking his head.

Elias Aalto considers Jenni Kynnöken’s offer cruel. ATTE MALASKA / NONEN

– Elias, you have a heart, Jari Sarasvuok too intervenes in the situation.

– I have a heart and I think it’s a problem. When I’m not the kind of exploitative capitalist who can say something like that. So, in my opinion, it is 20,000 euros for that 15 percent. I think it’s ok, Elias offers.

Jenni justifies her offer with the fact that she has to price her own time.

– The problem here is that I don’t know how to sell tights, unfortunately. That’s why I need you for it. But I think this is getting too cruel, Elias continues.

Kim Väisänen too states that you have to be on the side of the entrepreneur.

– Jenni, a good shepherd should gather his sheep, never skin them, Jarikin continues.

Katariina Aho has come to Leijona’s cave to seek funding for her hosiery company. ATTE MALASKA / NONEN

After these talks, Jenni decides to make a new offer.

– Okay, I caught the problem. I am offering 15,000 euros alone for 15 percent, Jenni announces.

– This rally car always turns very quickly in a different direction than where it came from, Kim marvels at the change.

– Yes. I think that is too cruel an offer. I can’t take part in that, Elias states and withdraws from the offer, leaving Jenni alone to wait for Katariina’s answer.

Leijona’s cave Suomi on Mondays on Nelose and Ruudu. See all program information on Telku.

In the end, Jenni Kynnös is left alone to wait for a counter offer. ATTE MALASKA / NONEN
